Home / Fitness / ChaLEAN Extreme TurboFire Hybrid Schedule – Modified from Jenelle’s 2-a-Days Schedule

ChaLEAN Extreme TurboFire Hybrid Schedule – Modified from Jenelle’s 2-a-Days Schedule

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(The ChaLEAN Extreme TurboFire hybrid is just one from my Beachbody Hybrid Schedules from the Fitness page)

Jenelle’s Modified ChaLEAN Extreme TurboFire Hybrid Schedule

TurboFire ChaLEAN Extreme Hybrid

Jenelle Summers from ChaLEAN Extreme TurboFire created a 2-a-day hybrid schedule. I have modified it for several people and decided to post it.

Need one of the programs? Order ChaLEAN Extreme          Order TurboFire

Need to be Held Accountable?

I host a free fitness team through Beachbody if you’d like daily support and accountability. By signing up for the free membership, you are automatically eligible for all of the goodies of our team. We share recipes, meal plans, hybrids, questions, progress, and so much more. We also do a monthly challenge and giveaway to whoever is crushing their goals.

Jenelle’s Modified ChaLEAN Extreme TurboFire Hybrid Schedule

Week 1

Monday – ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Circuit 1
Tuesday – Fire 30 CLASS (or 30min RUN)
Wednesday – Fire 55 EZ Class + 10min Stretch
Thursday – ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Circuit 1 + Stretch 10
Friday – Fire 45EZ (or 40min Run) + Abs 10
Saturday – ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Circuit 2
Sunday – Off (or make-up day if another day was missed)

Week 2

Monday – HIIT 15ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Intervals
Tuesday  – Fire 45
Wednesday – Fire 45 EZ class or 40min Run
Thursday– ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Circuit 2 + Stretch 10
Friday – Fire 30Class + 5 min crunches + 5min Stretch
Saturday:  20 min Interval Run or Fire 30
Sunday – Off (or make-up day if another day was missed)

Week 3

Monday – ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Circuit 2
Tuesday: HIIT 15 + ChaLEAN Extreme Ab Burner
Wednesday: Fire 55 EZ Class
Thursday: ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Circuit 3
Friday: Fire 30 Class + 10 min Abs
Saturday: Fire 55 EZ + 10 min Stretch
Sunday: Off

Week 4

Monday- ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Circuit 3 + “Stretch 10” Class
Tuesday– Fire 45EZ (or 40min Run)
Wednesday– ChaLEAN Extreme Push Circuit 1
Thursday – HIIT 15 + Core 20
Friday – Fire 45
Saturday – ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Circuit 3 + “Stretch 10” Class
Sunday – Off (or make-up day if another day was missed)

Week 5
Monday – ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Intervals
Tuesday – HIIT 20 + ChaLEAN Extreme “Extreme Abs”
Wednesday:  Fire 45 EZ class or 40min Run
Thursday – ChaLEAN Extreme Push Circuit 1 + “Stretch 10” Class
Friday: Fire 30 Class +  5 min crunches + 5min Stretch
Saturday: 20 minute interval run or HIIT 15
Sunday: Off

Week 6
Monday – ChaLEAN Extreme Push Circuit 2
Tuesday – HIIT 15  + ChaLEAN Extreme Ab Burner
Wednesday – Fire 55 EZ Class
Thursday – ChaLEAN Extreme Push Circuit 2
Friday – Fire 30 CLASS (or 30min RUN)
Saturday: Fire 55EZ + 10 min stretch
Sunday: Off

Week 7
Monday– ChaLEAN Extreme Push Circuit 3 + “Stretch 10” Class
Tuesday – Fire 45EZ (or 40min Run)
Wednesday– ChaLEAN Extreme Push Circuit 3
Thursday: HIIT 15 + Core 20
Friday – Fire 45
Saturday: HIIT 20+ ChaLean Extreme AB Burner
Sunday – Off (or make-up day if another day was missed)

Week 8
Monday – ChaLEAN Extreme Push Circuit 3
Tuesday – HIIT 20 + ChaLEAN Extreme “Extreme Abs”
Wednesday – Fire 45 EZ class or 40min Run
Thursday – ChaLEAN Extreme Push Circuit 2 + “Stretch 10” Class
Friday – Fire 30Class + 5 min crunches + 5min Stretch
Saturday – ChaLEAN Extreme Push Circuit 2 & HIIT 15
Sunday – Off

Week 9
Monday: HIIT 30
Tuesday: Fire 55 EZ Class
Wednesday – ChaLEAN Extreme Push Circuit 3
Thursday – Fire 30 Clas + ChaLEAN Extreme Ab Burner
Friday – Fire 55 EZ Class + 10min Stretch
Saturday – ChaLEAN Extreme Lean Circuit 1 + Stretch 10
Sunday  – Off

Week 10
Monday – Fire 45EZ (or 40min Run)
Tuesday – ChaLEAN Extreme Lean Circuit 1
Wednesday – HIIT 15 + Core 20
Thursday – Fire 45
Friday – HIIT 20 + ChaLean Extreme AB Burner
Saturday – ChaLEAN Extreme Lean Circuit 1
Sunday – Off (or make-up day if another day was missed)

Week 11
Monday – ChaLEAN Extreme Lean Circuit 1
Tuesday – HIIT 20 + ChaLEAN Extreme “Extreme Abs”
Wednesday – Fire 45 EZ class or 40min Run
Thursday– ChaLEAN Extreme Lean Circuit 2 + “Stretch 10” Class
Friday – Fire 30Class + 5 min crunches + 5min Stretch
Saturday: HIIT 30
Sunday: Off

Week 12
Monday – ChaLEAN Extreme Lean Circuit 2
Tuesday –  HIIT 15 + ChaLEAN Extreme Ab Burner
Wednesday – Fire 55 EZ Class
Thursday – CE Lean Circuit 3
Friday – HIIT 30 (Advanced dvd’s) or 30min Interval Run
Saturday –Fire 55 EZ Class + 10min Stretch
Sunday – ChaLEAN Extreme Lean Circuit 3 + “Stretch 10” Class

Week 13
Monday– Fire 45EZ (or 40min Run)
Tuesday – Core 20 + HIIT 15
Wednesday – ChaLEAN Extreme Lean Circuit 3
Thursday – Fire 60(Advanced Dvd’s)
Friday –  HIIT 20 + ChaLean Extreme AB Burner
Saturday – Fire 45 + Ab Burner (CLX)
Sunday – Off (or make-up day if another day was missed)

Week 14
Monday – CE Lean Circuit 3
Tuesday – HIIT 30 from Advanced kit (or 30min Interval run)
Wednesday – Fire 45 EZ class or 40min Run
Thursday– ChaLEAN Extreme Lean Circuit 3 + Stretch 10
Friday – HIIT 15 + ChaLEAN Extreme “Extreme Abs”
Saturday – ChaLEAN Extreme Lean Circuit 3
Sunday – Off

Week 15
Monday – HIIT 15 + ChaLean Extreme AB Burner
Tuesday – Fire 60
Wednesday – ChaLEAN Extreme Lean Circuit 3
Thursday –  Fire 45 CLASS (or 45min RUN) + Abs 10
Friday – Fire 55 EZ Class
Saturday – ChaLEAN Extreme Lean Circuit 3
Sunday – Off

Week 16
Monday – Fire 45EZ (or 45min Run)
Tuesday – ChaLEAN Extreme Lean Circuit 3
Wednesday – HIIT 15 + Core 20
Thursday – Fire 60 from Advanced Kit (or Fire 55EZ)
Friday – Fire 30 + CE Ab Burner
Saturday – Fire 60 from Advanced Kit (or Fire 55 EZ)
Sunday – Off (or make-up day if another day was missed)

Week 17
Monday – ChaLEAN Extreme Lean Circuit 3 + Abs 10
Tuesday – Fire 55 Class (or 50 min RUN)
Wednesday – Fire 45 EZ class or 45min Run + Abs 10
Thursday – ChaLEAN Extreme Lean Circuit 3 + Stretch 10
Friday – Fire 30Class  + 5 min crunches + 5min Stretch
Saturday – ChaLEAN Extreme Lean Circuit 3
Sunday Off

Week 18
Monday – Stretch 40
Tuesday –  Recharge
Wednesday – Stretch 40
Thursday – Recharge
Friday – Stretch 40
Saturday – Recharge
Sunday – Off (or make-up day if another day was missed)

Mixing up your routine a great way to break fitness plateau to get your best results! Also, remember to hydrate & be fueled with waterShakeologyResults & Recovery formula, and as many whole foods as possible. In addition, you want to be within your calorie range for optimal energy (Find your calorie range here) for fat burning and muscle building and/or maintenance!

You can also track your calories and progress with a FitBit which is really easy to use and neat!
Fitbit Flex

I hope you enjoy the ChaLEAN Extreme TurboFire hybrid and will join the FREE fitness team for support.

If you have completed the ChaLEAN Extreme TurboFire Hybrid, how were your results?

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  1. Thanks so much for posting these schedules! I’ve been looking for a hybrid for TF and CLX and this looks amazing!

    One question – in week four you don’t have anything down for Saturday. What workout should go on that day?

    1. Oh thanks for letting me know! You should do ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Circuit 3 + “Stretch 10” Class on Saturday, and I have fixed it on the hybrid as well. :) Thanks again!

  2. Did jenelle summers really make this up? Or do you put you own spin on it? If you did, it looks awesome!

    1. Yes, she really made this schedule. :) I can’t take any credit lol. She is part of our Beachbody Group so occasionally we get to talk or see her which is always so cool! :)

  3. I was wondering about which programs nutrition guidelines you follow when doing a hybrid. Do you have any advice?

    1. I used the TurboFire nutrition guide because it was more detailed than the ChaLEAN one. I also followed concepts from the Eat Clean Diet. Does that help? Do you know how many calories you should be eating? I can help you if you need! :)

  4. Hi! Those this really work? I have both programs. I did a month of ChaLean extreme 2 years ago and I saw results, so I’m starting again. Now I have turbo fire. Will I get results with this or should I do ChaLean extreme only? or Turbo fire? What should I do? Thanks :)

  5. Hi. This hybrid looks really good. I have CLX, but have never done it and just started TurboFire and love that. Right now I just started a hybrid with TF and LMP and since I have been doing pump for a while, I kinda wanted to change it up, but really want to continue with TF (although all I have done is the Firestarter). Thanks.

  6. Why does week 12-17 only incorporate Lean 3? That is 5 or 6 strait weeks of Lean 3. Is their a theory behind this, or a typo?

    1. Jenelle Summers (Chalene’s sister) actually made this hybrid so I’m not really sure the logic behind it, but I know she’s got an amazing results. Sorry to not be more of a help.