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Healthy Chinese Food Approved by The Eat Clean Diet

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Jake got home from California Friday night. Normally I am used to him going on rides, but this week was hard. I felt like a teenage girl waiting for her boyfriend to get home. He did bring me this really cute/funny t-shirt though; he had been telling me about Roscoe’s. Have you heard of it? They literally serve chicken and waffles…sounds like heaven if you’re a bit tipsy. What do you think?

I had time to catch up on magazines while he was gone, and I found a really good Healthy Chinese Food recipe in Oxygen! It will be featured in the meal plans I am working on because it’s so good!! I am used a little too much red pepper flakes this go around, but I now have the recipe down pat and close by for next time.

Healthy Chinese Food (From Oxygen Magazine)

4 Oz Chicken Breast
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp red pepper flakes
1 red bell pepper
1 tbsp low-sugar ketchup
1 tbsp spicy brown mustard
1 tbsp apricot jam (low sugar)


1. Dice chicken into bite size pieces and season with garlic powder and red pepper flakes.
2. Set a skillet on medium-high heat and spray with a bit of cooking oil. Add chicken and cook through (6-8 minutes)
3. Slice red pepper and set aside. Mix the other ingredients together and once the chicken is cooked add to the skillet. Turn heat to low and cook 5 minutes.
Calories 230; Total far 2g; Fiber 3g; Sugars 14g; Protein 28g

I doubled my sauce. It would be really good over brown rice or noodles. I couldn’t believe how much it was like eating PF Changs frozen meals. Healthy Chinese food is so much better than all of that processed garbage too!
Have you ever tried healthy Chinese food?

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