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ChaLEAN Extreme Turbofire Brazil Butt Lift Hybrid Schedule

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(The ChaLEAN Extreme Turbofire Brazil Butt Lift Hybrid is just one from my Beachbody Hybrid Schedules from the Fitness page)

Beachbody Hybrid Calendar: ChaLEAN Extreme Turbofire Brazil Butt Lift Hybrid Schedule

Need one of the programs? Click Here to Shop & Let’s get going!! (Order ChaLEAN Extreme TurboFire  or BBL here)

ChaLEAN Extreme Turbofire Brazil Butt Lift Hybrid

Modify your workout to suit your needs. No one particular exercise routine is going to be what’s best for each unique person so be in tune with your body & what you can realistically keep up with long-term. You can always alter the ChaLEAN Extreme TurboFire Brazil Butt Lift Hybrid to make it work for you.

Need to be Held Accountable for the ChaLEAN Extreme TurboFire Brazil Butt Lift Hybrid?

I host a free fitness team through Beachbody if you’d like daily support and accountability. By signing up for the free membership, you are automatically eligible for all of the goodies of our team. We share recipes, meal plans, hybrids, questions, progress, and so much more. We also do a monthly challenge and giveaway to whoever is crushing their goals.

(You can also do the hybrid once a day and make it last twice as long)

ChaLEAN Extreme Turbofire Brazil Butt Lift Hybrid Schedule

Week 1-2

AM TurboFire HIIT 15 / Stretch 10
PM ChaLEAN Burn 1 / Abs 10

Week 1 AM TurboFire Fire 45 / Stretch 10 / Week 2 AM TurboFire Fire 45 EZ / Stretch 10
PM Brazil Butt Lift High & Tight

AM TurboFire HIIT 20 / Stretch 10
PM ChaLEAN Burn 2 / Ab Burner

Week 1 AM TurboFire Fire 55 EZ / Stretch 10 / Week 2 AM TurboFire Fire 30 / Stretch 10
PM Brazil Butt Lift Bum Bum

AM TurboFire HIIT 25 / Stretch 10
PM ChaLEAN Burn 3
PM Brazil Butt Lift Tummy Tuck

Week 1 AM TurboFire Fire 45 / Stretch 10 / Week 2 AM TurboFire Fire 55 EZ / Stretch 10
PM TurboFire Core 20

AM TurboFire Stretch 40

Week 3-4

AM TurboFire HIIT 25 / Stretch 10
PM TurboFire Stretch 40

AM ChaLEAN Burn Intervals
PM TurboFire Core 20

AM TurboFire HIIT 15 / Stretch 10
PM Brazil Butt Lift Bum Bum

AM TurboFire Stretch 40
PM TurboFire Core 20

AM ChaLEAN Burn Intervals
PM Brazil Butt Lift Tummy Tuck

AM TurboFire Stretch 40
PM TurboFire Core 20

AM TurboFire Stretch 40

Week 5-6

AM TurboFire HIIT 15 / Stretch 10
PM ChaLEAN PUSH 1 / Extreme Abs

Week 5 AM TurboFire Fire 45 / Stretch 10 / Week 6 AM TurboFire Fire 55 EZ / Stretch 10
PM Brazil Butt Lift High & Tight

AM TurboFire HIIT 20 / Stretch 10
PM ChaLEAN PUSH 2 / Abs 10

Week 5 AM TurboFire Fire 55 EZ / Stretch 10 / Week 6 AM TurboFire Fire 30 / Stretch 10
PM Brazil Butt Lift Bum Bum

AM TurboFire HIIT 25 / Stretch 10
Week 5 PM ChaLEAN PUSH 3/ Week 6 PM Brazil Butt Lift Tummy Tuck

Week 5 AM TurboFire Fire 30 / Stretch 10 / Week 6 AM TurboFire Fire 45 / Stretch 10
PM TurboFire Core 20

AM TurboFire Stretch 40

Week 7-10

AM TurboFire HIIT 15 / Stretch 10
PM ChaLEAN PUSH 1 / Ab Ripper X

Week 7-8 AM TurboFire Fire 45 EZ / Stretch 10 / Week 9-10 AM TurboFire Fire 55 EZ / Stretch 10
PM Brazil Butt Lift High & Tight

Wednesday AM TurboFire HIIT 20 / Stretch 10
PM ChaLEAN PUSH 2 / Ab Burner (CLX)

Week 7-8 AM TurboFire Fire 55 EZ / Stretch 10 / Week 9-10 AM TurboFire Fire 45 / Stretch 10
PM Brazil Butt Lift Bum Bum

AM TurboFire HIIT 25 / Stretch 10
Week 7-8 ChaLEAN PUSH 3/ Week 9-10 PM Brazil Butt Lift Tummy Tuck

Week 7-8 AM TurboFire Fire 45 / Stretch 10 / Week 9-10 AM TurboFire Fire 30 / Stretch 10
PM TurboFire Core 20

AM Stretch 40

Week 11-13

PM Turbo Fire Core 20

Tuesday AM TurboFire HIIT 20 / Stretch 10
PM TurboFire Stretch 40

Wednesday AM ChaLEAN LEAN 2
PM Brazil Butt Lift Cardio Axe

Thursday AM TurboFire Fire 45

Friday AM ChaLEAN LEAN 3
PM Brazil Butt Lift Tummy Tuck

AM TurboFire Stretch 40
PM TurboFire Core 20

Need a program? Click here to get it

Mixing up your routine a great way to break fitness plateau to get your best results! Also, remember that drinking water, recovering with ShakeologyResults & Recovery formula, and eating as many whole foods as possible will amp your results. In addition, you want to be within your calorie range for optimal energy (Find your calorie range here) for fat burning and muscle building and/or maintenance for the ChaLEAN Extreme Turbofire Brazil Butt Lift Hybrid!

Have you thought about Beachbody Coaching? You get 25% off everything as a coach! 

I hope you will enjoy the ChaLEAN Extreme Turbofire Brazil Butt Lift Hybrid. Please email me if you have any questions or have ideas for new Beachbody hybrid workouts.

Fitbit Flex
(The ChaLEAN Extreme Turbofire Brazil Butt Lift Hybrid is just one from my Beachbody Hybrid Schedules from the Fitness page)

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  1. OMG i’m so excited to stumble across your site. I was wondering how I can successfuly incorporate the three programs.

  2. Hi — great hybrid, so excited to get started! What is Abs 10? I don’t see it on any of my DVDs! Thanks!

    1. It should be a DVD in TurboFire. If you don’t have it, you can always sub in Ab Burner which is about the same length. How do you like the hybrid?

  3. Awesome! I just completed TF/CLX hybrid and have been wanting a schedule for TF/CLX/BBL! Thank you now I don’t have to make my own :)

    1. Congrats on finishing up the TF/CLX hybrid!! :) I’m so glad I could help! What are your workout goals for the hybrid?

  4. Thanks!! :) You can always stretch it out over a longer period of time so that you are only doing one workout a day. Does that make sense? You could even print this one and just put a check beside each workout to keep track of it without having to create a whole new hybrid.

  5. Hi! I’m starting this hybrid workout tomorrow and I plan on using the 21 Day Fix meal plan. My calorie range is the 1200-1499 bracket but do you think I should go up to the next bracket for this workout? I have about 12 lbs. I need to get rid of. Thanks!

  6. Love the site and this hybrid workout! I am someone that likes to workout in the morning, could I do all workouts in the AM, or is the design to split between AM and PM?