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Getting Vegas Ready – TurboFire ChaLEAN Extreme Pump Hybrid Workout

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(The TurboFire ChaLEAN Extreme PUMP Hybrid is just one from my Beachbody Hybrid Workout Schedules from the Fitness page)

My Vegas trip is quickly approaching! I have about 3 weeks before meeting some of my favorite trainers and the most fit people on the planet!

Strength and HIIT Workout
First Vegas Trip in 2010

So without crash dieting or killing myself (and risking injury), I decided to create an awesome hybrid workout. I also am still using the Whole 30 concepts for my diet.

I combined 3 of my favorite workouts (TurboFire ChaLEAN Extreme and PUMP) and plan to do 2 workouts a day since it will be summer break soon. (I get out of school next Tuesday!) I will have about an hour to workout everyday! I’m a fitness nerd, but I am so excited about it.

turbofire chalean extreme pump hybrid

The TurboFire ChaLEAN Extreme PUMP hybrid combines lifting heavy weights with low reps, light weights with high reps, and also high intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts. Each day’s workouts are about an hour or shorter, but they are very intense. I also left Saturday and Sunday open for extra stretch and recovery.

If you decide to use the TurboFire ChaLEAN Extreme PUMP hybrid workout remember to customize it to meet YOUR needs. You can also create a hybrid as well using your workout programs. This will be a doozy of a workout!

What is your GO-TO tip if you are trying to get ready for a trip or event?

TurboFire ChaLEAN Extreme PUMP Hybrid Workout

Combining Strength & HIIT Training

turbofire chalean extreme pump hybrid

Week 1

Mon:  PUMP Challenge (20 mins) + CLX Burn 1

Tues:  TF Fire 30 + Stretch 10

Wed:  PUMP Challenge (20) + CLX Burn 2

Thurs:  TF Core 20 + Stretch 40

Frid:  PUMP Challenge (20) + CLX Burn 3

Sat & Sun:  REST

Week 2

Mon:  PUMP & Burn (30) + CLX Push 1

Tues:  CLX Deluxe “I’ve Got Abs” (17) + CLX DLX Fat Burn Challenge (33)

Wed:  PUMP & Burn (30) + CLX Push 2

Thurs:  CLX DLX Dynamic Flow Yoga (40)

Fri:  PUMP & Burn (30) + CLX Push 3

Sat & Sun:  REST

Week 3

Mon:  PUMP & Burn (30) + CLX Lean 1

Tues:  PUMP Hard Core Abs (20) + PUMP Sports Attack (30)

Wed:  PUMP & Burn (30) + CLX Lean 2

Thurs:  PUMP Flow (20) + PUMP Step (30)

Fri:  PUMP & Burn (30) + CLX Lean 3

Sat & Sun:  REST

Week 4

Mon:  PUMP Revolution (55)

Tues:  TF Fire 45 (or 45 EZ) + CLX Extreme Core (12)

Wed:  PUMP & Burn (30) + CLX Push 1

Thurs:  TF HIIT 15 + CLX DLX Dynamic Flow Yoga (40)

Fri:  PUMP Extreme (55)

Sat & Sun:  REST

Week 5

Mon: CLX DLX Get Lean Intervals (42)

Tues:  CLX DLX Fat-Burn Challenge (33) + CLX DLX “I’ve Got Abs” (17)

Wed:  PUMP & Burn (30) + CLX Push 2

Thurs: TF Fire 30 (or Hiit 30) + TF Core 20

Fri: PUMP Extreme

Sat & Sun:  REST

Week 6

Mon: PUMP Revolution (55)

Tues: PUMP Combat (45) + CLX DLX Extreme Core (12)

Wed:  PUMP & Burn (30) + CLX Push 3

Thurs:  PUMP Step (30) + PUMP Flow (20)

Fri: PUMP Extreme (55)

Sat & Sun:  REST

Week 7

Mon:  PUMP & Shred (45) + TF Stretch 10

Tues: TF Fire 30 (or HIIT 30) + TF Recharged

Wed:  PUMP & Burn (30) + CLX Lean 1

Thurs:  TF HIIT 15 + TF Core 20

Fri: PUMP Revolution (55)

Sat & Sun:  REST

Week 8

Mon: PUMP Extreme (55)

Tues: CLX DLX Fat-Burn Challenge (33) + CLX DLX “I’ve Got Abs” (17)

Wed:  PUMP & Burn (30) + CLX Burn 2

Thurs: TF HIIT 20 + TF Recharge (17)

Fri: CLX DLX Extreme Intervals (40) + TF Stretch 10

Sat & Sun:  REST

Week 9

Mon: PUMP Extreme (55)

Tues: PUMP Sports Attack (30) + PUMP Flow (20)

Wed:  PUMP & Burn (30) + CLX Lean 3

Thurs:  PUMP Combat (45) + CLX DLX Extreme Core (12)

Fri: PUMP Revolution (55)

Sat & Sun:  REST

Week 10

Mon:  TF HIIT 15 + CLX Lean 1

Tues: PUMP Combat (45) + CLX DLX Extreme Core (12)

Wed:  PUMP & Burn (30) + CLX Lean 2

Thurs:  PUMP Flow + PUMP Sports Attack (30)

Fri:  TF HIIT 15 + CLX Lean 3

Sat & Sun:  REST

Week 11

Mon: PUMP Extreme (55)

Tues:  CLX DLX Dynamic Flow Yoga

Wed:  PUMP & Burn (30) + CLX Lean 1

Thurs:  TF Fire 45 (or 45EZ)

Fri: PUMP Revolution

Sat & Sun:  REST

Week 12

Mon: PUMP & Shred (45) + CLX Lean 2

Tues: PUMP Combat (45) + CLX DLX Fat Burn Challenge (33)

Wed:  PUMP & Burn (30) + CLX Lean 3

Thurs:  PUMP Step + PUMP Flow

Fri:  PUMP Extreme

Sat & Sun:  REST

Order TurboFire ChaLEAN Extreme, or PUMP and Add Me as Your Free Beachbody Coach

Remember to fuel your body with the right eating plans and get enough sleep. Also, you may want to look at Shakeology if you are short on time to prep your food.

I hope you enjoy the TurboFire ChaLEAN Extreme PUMP Hybrid. I am doing my best to do at least one hybrid workout each week, and I do look at every single request. They just take a little time to make, and I never want to overwhelm anyone with hybrid after hybrid so look for one about once a week. (Subscribe to get the latest hybrid workouts each week).

(The TurboFire ChaLEAN Extreme PUMP Hybrid is just one from my Beachbody Hybrid Workout Schedules from the Fitness page)

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