Home / BODi / Belle Vitale Review: Autumn Calabrese’s Hormone Health Program

Belle Vitale Review: Autumn Calabrese’s Hormone Health Program

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Dealing with symptoms like mood swings, hot flashes, brain fog, difficulty losing weight, and low energy can leave anyone frustrated and overwhelmed. If you’re dealing with any of these issues, it could be your hormones. Belle Vitale is the first comprehensive hormone health program designed to help you get back to feeling like yourself.

Belle Vitale Review logo

As a mother daughter team, we both fall into the ages where our hormones can get imbalanced. I’m currently 35, and Kim is 53. While we realize hormones can get off balance due to all kinds of things like life changes, medicine, and age, it can be a struggle to get them back on track. That’s why we’re so excited for this program.

kim and kalee outside

Hormone imbalance symptoms are not an unavoidable reality.

Autumn Calabrese and her team of doctors and experts have created a complete program that integrates lifestyle adjustments such as nutrition, supplements, exercise, and stress management. It’s called Belle Vitale.

What is Belle Vitale?

Belle Vitale is a comprehensive 12-week program that combines scientifically supported nutrition, proprietary supplements, Pilates and strength exercises, and stress management techniques.

This comprehensive approach takes the guesswork out of the equation and offers clarity on where to focus your energy.


Did you know?

Approximately 80% of women suffer from hormone imbalances, and we often just accept these issues as part of life.

When my hormones got off balance in my 20s, my traditional medicine doctor blew off my symptoms as well because my bloodwork was good. So I can totally relate to why we just deal with the issues versus continuing to talk about it.

My symptoms were more related to anxiety, irregular periods, and perioral dermatitis, but I know as I age the symptoms will change.

Perioral Dermatitis

For example, Autumn Calabrese,  the creator of Belle Vitale, found herself in this exact position in her late 30s and early 40s. (She’s currently 43).

After dealing with hot flashes, weight gain, and stress, she spent two years researching and developing a way to balance her hormones. After this she became a IIN Certified Hormone Health Coach.


autumn calabrese
It looks what she’s doing now is working!

What Are Common Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance?

Hormone imbalances can affect women of all ages and manifest in various ways, including:

  • Difficulty shedding pounds or unexplained weight gain
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Fatigue and low energy
  • Brain fog and difficulties with focus
  • Mood swings, bloating, and cravings
  • Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Skin issues

Luckily, there are things that can help you get back in control and not struggle with these issues.


Belle Vitale Pilates workouts

Belle Vitale Workouts

Belle Vitale workouts include Pilates, strength, and cardio workouts. You don’t need a fancy Reformer for this program though!

The workouts focus on muscle strength, endurance, stability, and flexibility. They can also help improve PMS symptoms, insulin sensitivity, cortisol levels, and even help decrease hot flashes.

What equipment do I need for Belle Vitale workouts?

While you don’t need a Reformer or Pilates Cadillac you will need BODi’s Control Track, strength slides, core ball, and dumbbells.

The Control Track is the same one from Autumn’s Control Freak if you have it already. If not, BODi will offer a Belle Vitale kit that includes everything you need.

Belle Vitale Supplements Reviewed

Belle Vitale Supplements

While you could just follow the nutrition and workouts, Belle Vitale also offers 2 unique supplements with clinically studied key ingredients:

  • Daily Hormone & Stress Support: Helps combat the effects of stress and supports hormone health.
  • Daily Metabolism & Blood Sugar Support: Enhances the body’s natural fat-burning mechanisms, promoting a healthy metabolism and mitigating blood sugar spikes.

These supplements are designed to work in conjunction with the program’s nutrition and fitness components to help restore hormonal balance.

Get the latest information on Belle Vitale by signing up now!

autumn doing breath work for belle vitale

Stress Management Techniques are Included!

The program prioritizes stress management, offering a variety of exercises and tools, including simple breath-work techniques shared by Autumn.

These techniques are proven to help reduce cortisol and stress, lower blood pressure, and calm the mind and nervous system.

They only take moments, in the morning, midday, or before bed, and they can significantly improve energy and focus.

Start your journey to stress-free living. Sign up for updates today!

Roasted Chickpea Salad recipe

Belle Vitale Nutrition Plan

The Belle Vitale nutrition plan consists of  3 distinct phases over 12 weeks. The diet is low in carbs and added sugars while prioritizing high-fiber, plant-rich foods that are gut-friendly.

The reason it is lower in carbs is to support healthy blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity.

Intermittent fasting is also incorporated. We aren’t sure about how long the fasts are, but we’ve found anything above 12 to 14 hours is too long for us personally.

You’ll also avoid excess sugar, refined carbs, and caffeine because they can contribute to hormone imbalance and symptoms.

promotional picture for The 4 Week Gut Protocol with Autumn Calabrese holding a cup of tea

How is this different from Autumn’s 4 Week Gut Protocol?

Our gut and microbiome affect so many aspects of our health — including hormones. So it’s a great place to start when working on your health. We consider Autumn’s 4 Week Gut Protocol as prep or step 1 to do before Belle Vitale.

When is Belle Vitale coming out?

Belle Vitale will be available December 10, 2024 in the United States. Canada will receive access to it in the Spring of 2025.

You will not need a BODi Subscription to purchase or access or stream the program. You can buy it as a standalone program.

The Control Track for the Pilates will be available in the US, Canada, UK, and France.


Is this really a reputable program?

Hormonal health is such a trend right now it can be hard to decipher which programs are created by experts.  With that said, we do think Belle Vitale is a reputable program to try.

Belle Vitale is created by Autumn Calabrese, a BODi Super Trainer, Fitness and Nutrition Expert, and IIN Certified Hormone Health Coach. The program is also backed by the LaValle Performance Health team, which includes James LaValle and his team of MDs, Dietitians, and Doctor Nurse Practitioners (DNPs).

James has over 35 years of clinical experience and is taking the lead in validating the program with a team of doctors and PhDs.

Sign up for Belle Vitale updates today!

Belle Vitale Results

Another reason we believe Belle Vitale is worth sharing is because people are already seeing results.

We don’t have a ton of before and after photos yet because the program is so new. With that said, we do have some really great testimonials we’ll share below!

belle vitale results belle vitale before and after 2

Maggie U. (Age 46)
“I LOVE myself again. I am down 7 lbs.! I have abs—how is this possible? I am sleeping better, my libido is up, I feel less anxious, I have less cellulite, lasting energy, and my perimenopause symptoms have decreased tremendously. My family isn’t walking on eggshells around me anymore—I’m actually a FUN MOM now. I didn’t realize how awful I felt until I started feeling this GOOD!”

Heather G. (Age 31)
“PILATES IS SHRINKING MY WAISTLINE! Seeing my weight below 180 without feeling like I’m starving and exercising myself into exhaustion is a breath of fresh air.”

Najah H. (Age 48)
“I’M SLEEPING AT NIGHT. No more night sweats! I have a natural energy not reliant on stimulants. My skin has improved. My cycle was lighter and not as much bloating and cramps. I don’t have cravings or the need to snack when I’m bored.”

Ywonna W. (Age 60)
“NO MORE NIGHT SWEATS! Overall, I feel great! I haven’t had night sweats. Also, I’m not craving sugar. Love the variety of workouts! I feel like I’m getting stronger without beating myself up.”



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