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What is Ghee? Why We Chose it vs Butter

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We started using Ghee when we did our first Whole 30 about 5 years ago. Since then we’ve been hooked on it, but we just learned that we’ve been pronouncing it all wrong. Our California friend finally corrected us from saying it “G.” This special condiment is actually called “geee”. Now that we can say it, and we’ve been eating it for years, we can’t wait to share a little more about it!

Below we’ll outline what it is and what it tastes like and how it compares to butter!

Ghee has become such a trend because of popular diets like Whole 30, Paleo, and Keto. We'll look at how it what makes ghee different from butter, and talk about how we use it in our healthy eating plans. You'll be surprised at the benefits this lactose-free, casein-free option has!

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What is Ghee?

Ghee is a butterfat that has been heated until all of its moisture is gone and the milk solids are caramelized and filtered out. Once it’s been cooked, it contains no milk or water solids. This is why it’s been allowed in Paleo diets and isn’t considered the same way as traditional dairy.

While it’s super trendy to us, it’s actually been used in South Asian and Middle Eastern countries for centuries.

You can also find it pretty easily now. We love this brand and Pure Indian Food’s Ghee.

What does it taste like?

We use it in place of butter. With that said, its color is more vibrant, and its flavor is stronger, richer flavor than butter. It also tends to taste a little nutty. It should smell a bit like butter caramel.

Ghee vs Butter

Both ghee and butter come from a cow; however, ghee is often labeled as a healthier choice because of the cooking process it undergoes.

While certain fads may act like you should slather on ghee to everything, think again. It should be used sparingly because its pure fat. 1/2 a tablespoon is considered a serving.

Here are some other interesting facts about ghee vs butter:

  • Ghee has a higher smoke point (450°F) than butter & coconut oil (350°F)
  • The shelf-life of ghee is much longer than butter
  • Ghee can be easier to digest because it is lactose- and casein- free.
  • Both butter & ghee are high in saturated fat and fat-soluble vitamins A, E and K.
  • BUT – ghee contains almost 2x the amount of short- and medium-chain fatty acids than butter making it less associated with heart disease.

Is ghee more healthy than butter?

Both should be considered as saturated fat & used sparingly; however, we consider ghee healthier than butter because of it’s short- and medium-chain fatty acids. Plus, it may be a feasible choice for that have a sensitivity to lactose or casein foods like butter. Those with serious dairy allergies shouldn’t eat either, and you should always consult your doctor as well.

Is Ghee Paleo?

Ghee has been approved on the Paleo diet and the Whole 30! Ghee should be humanely raised, grass-fed, and from an organic source, but it is considered a Paleo option. You can read more on why here.

Ghee Benefits

There are some specific benefits ghee contains that butter does not.

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They include:

  • promoting good gut health through short-chain fats called butyrates
  • improving heart health through butyrates
  • increasing your metabolism through medium-chain fatty acids
  • reducing body fat, lowering inflammation and possible blood pressure through conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a fatty acid

This particular fatty acid (CLA) has also been shown to help prevent cancer formation in some studies (source, source). Ghee also contains vitamins A, E, and K.

What do we use Ghee for?

I mentioned above that we use in place of butter. We also use it while cooking stir-fry veggies and soups. We also like to add a small amount to our bone broth on occasion to help with gut health. If you do decide to add it to your bone broth or coffee, take it slow. It can cause some distress on the tummy if you do too much at once if you catch our drift.

Where to Buy Ghee

You can find it at most grocery stores or online now! You want to find out that is organic and grass-fed as they’ll be the highest quality.

We are Amazon affiliates and order it from them.

Compare Prices on All Ghee on Amazon Here

We love these 2 brands:

We know Amazon sometimes does price jumps so if it’s over $20, use the compare price link above.

Pure Indian Food also makes it with turmeric if you’re looking for an extra kick for your immune system.

How to Store Ghee

It can last up to 3 months in your pantry if it’s away from light. You can also choose to refrigerate it up to a full year!

We personally like to store ours in the pantry or a cabinet though because it leaves it soft. If you refrigerate it, it gets hard.

Have you tried it before? Why or why not?

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