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Overcoming Fear – The Drive Fear Has On Your Health, Goals, & Choices

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Overcoming fear has been on my mind lately. It’s a strong emotion, isn’t it? Letting go of fear can open up our whole lives. Relationships, finances and the vision for our life can all radically be changed when we put an end to that 4 letter word.

Overcoming Fear, Letting Go, Stress Less, Priorities, Goals, Self Love

What is fear holding you back from?

  • Finding or creating a new job you love
  • Getting healthy
  • Ridding yourself of negative relationships
  • Starting a new hobby
  • Joining a new social group
  • Trying a new workout
  • Starting a new relationship
  • Investing in yourself or education

I asked myself: What are you afraid of? Are you afraid people will see you differently? Afraid you will fail?

I realized my fear is in this blog. What if no one likes me? Can I really be consistent with it? What if it fails to take off?

Coming to the realization showed me I was not working as hard as I could on the blog or my fitness business. I am now overcoming fear and have the goal to stop my negative thinking.

6 Tips to Letting Go of Fear

These 6 tips offer me peace and help motivate me to push past my comfort zone to my goals. I hope they help you as well!

1. Prayer Time

Taking time each day to spend with God and His Word gives me a peace unlike anything else.

2. Writing Down My Goals

Getting my goals out of my head and on paper gives me a guide. My planner actually has a place to brainstorm your goals and set realistic timelines. It also has a place to review how you did each month which I love. You can see all about it here.

3. Using a Planner

A planner lets me take baby steps to overcoming a fear. I hate public speaking so practicing at Toastmasters or on a Youtube Video vs speaking live in front of people helps me build up my confidence.

4. Educate Yourself on Whatever Scares You

I was so confused and intimidated about budgeting and saving money. With jsut one or two books, I felt more empowered and able to take action to invest my money.

5. Keep In Touch with Supportive Friends

Often times we are our own worst enemy. Your friends can help you refocus and see all of the strength you have inside you.

Don’t have any people like that in your life? Find some! Even if it is an online group or motivational speakers, you need positive people in your life.

6. Figure out what you really want in a world.

Two of my favorite books talk about living life to the fullest. Below are affiliate links to both books.

Jim Rohn’s Art of Exceptional Living is an awesome audiobook for breaking down your goals, and The 4 Agreements is awesome for overcoming the fear of what others think or not being perfect.

I’m not a psychologist or expert, but these tips already make me feel more comfortable with myself and goals.
I did not even realize how much fear I was holding onto; can you relate?

How do are your overcoming fear in your life?

You may also like our post on the 17 keys to a healthier, happier life!

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One Comment

  1. Fear is a constant battle with me that I’m working to overcome day by day. I always have to ask myself, “What is it that I’m afraid of? What am I afraid would happen if I just went for what I want most?” It’s a hard question to answer, but the more I challenge my fears with those questions the more I find myself chipping away at it and working towards overcoming it. You are so right that you don’t even realize how much fear you hold on to! Like it keeps us protected, but in reality it hold us back! I appreciate you sharing your tips! :-)