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8 Weeks of Yoga and Cardio – My Beachbody on Demand Yoga Hybrid

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Are you looking for a challenging yoga or Beachbody on Demand hybrid? Well, look no further!

I started with the 3 Week Yoga Retreat last fall, and since I have been hooked on streaming my workouts and the yoga studio.

yoga beachbody on demand hybrid

After it, I wanted a hybrid using high-intensity interval training, cardio and yoga workouts. I love to lift weights, but my hope was that yoga would challenge my muscles in a new way. The yoga routines have left my shoulders, core, and legs on fire! So don’t discount them. If you want to incorporate weight training, you can always replace Saturday’s workout with a strength routine as well.

I would recommend this Yoga Beachbody on Demand Hybrid if you’re wanting to try something new and love variety. If you’re new to yoga, I’d recommend starting with the 3 Week Yoga Retreat first.

The hybrid work best if you have the Beachbody on Demand like I do. The hybrid calls for several different workout programs. The cool thing about the Beachbody on Demand is that you get access to every program (21 Day Fix, Core De Force, Country Heat, Cize, PiYo, 22 Minute Hard Corps, etc.) for a whole year – so you can do this hybrid a couple of times or move on to another one. You can  learn more about On Demand or view our other

You can learn more about On Demand or view our other Beachbody hybrids here.

Yoga Beachbody on Demand Hybrid

Week 1

Monday: Vytas’ Sweat & Detox (45)

Tuesday: Giddy Up Country Heat (30)

Wednesday: Elise’s Get Centered (30)

Thursday: Jericho’s Cardio Part of Half & Half (20)

Friday: X3 Isometrics (30)

Saturday: Faith’s Full Body Flow (30)

Sunday: Off

Week 2

Monday: X3 Yoga (30)

Tuesday: T25 Speed 1.0 (25)

Wednesday: Elise’s Well Rounded (30)

Thursday: Jericho’s Cardio Part of Half & Half Harder (20)

Friday: Elise’s Cardio Burn (10)

Saturday: Faith’s Radiate and Shine (21)

Sunday: Off

Week 3

Monday: Tony’s BOD Exclusive (52)

Tuesday: TurboFire HIIT 20 (20)

Wednesday: Yvtas’ Core Strength (30)

Thursday: 21 Day Fix Cardio Fix (30)

Friday: Ted Yin Yoga (30)

Saturday: Tony’s Daily Yoga (23)

Sunday: Off

Week 4

Monday: Tony’s Fountain of Youth Yoga (50)

Tuesday: T25 Speed 2.0 (25)

Wednesday: Jericho Half & Half Yoga (20)

Thursday: 21 Day Fix Extreme Cardio (30)

Friday: Jericho Half & Half Harder Yoga (20)

Saturday:  Ho’Ala Ke Kino (27)

Sunday: Off

Week 5

Monday: ChaLEAN Dynamic Yoga Flow (40)

Tuesday: Country Heat Country Swing (30)

Wednesday: 21 Day Fix Extreme Yoga (30)

Thursday: TurboFire HIIT 25 + Release the Tension (10)

Friday: Patience Hummingbird (37)

Saturday: Recovery 4 Results (40)

Sunday: Off

Week 6

Monday: Yoga MC2: P90X 1 on 1 (67)

Tuesday: TurboFire HIIT 30 (30)

Wednesday: Stretch & Recovery P90X 1 on 1 (70)

Thursday: The 20’s Black Team Workout (20)

Friday: PiYo Sweat (40)

Saturday: Yvtas’ Low Back & Ab Yoga (both 10)

Sunday: Off

Week 7

Monday: P90X Yoga (92)

Tuesday: 21 Day Fix Remix BOD Exclusive Cardio Core (30)

Wednesday: P90X2 Yoga (68)

Thursday: Core de Force MMA Speed (25)

Friday: P90X3 Isometrics (30)

Saturday: Choose Your FAVORITE

Sunday: Off

Meal Plan

During the hybrid, I ate around 1200-1400 calories. You can always follow the 21 Day Fix meal plan as well. I also followed these 5 tips to stick to my goal weight.

Feel free to customize the workouts in an order you love and with the time available. I know some of those Tony Horton yoga workouts are long!! I really enjoyed the hybrid because it challenged me, and it was always something new.

Have you tried yoga consistently?  I had tried at a gym before finding the 3 Week Yoga Retreat, and I never could get the habit to stick.

Will you try this Yoga Beachbody on Demand Hybrid?

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