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Paleo Meal Plan Using Limited Cooking Skills & Short Prep Times

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Let me be straight — Paleo meal plans intimidated me. They looked so hard, and I did not know how I survive without grains or Greek yogurt. After 22 of the 30 Days on the Whole 30 though, I am feeling great!

Paleo Meal Plans for After the Whole30 - Weight Loss and Better Health Included!

I plan on going back to the Eat Clean Diet after the 30 days, but I will definitely use more Paleo meals than before. None of the meals I have prepped on the paleo-based diet have been hard or tasteless. Plus, my skin and energy is better than before! It’s definitely worth trying.

Below is a sample of 7 days of Paleo meal plans, but you can always check out my Paleo Meal Plan Pinterest board for more ideas. Just click each meal for the complete Paleo recipe.

Paleo Breakfast Recipes

7 Days of Paleo Breakfasts

Monday: 2-3 Scrambled Eggs with Ghee, Bacon, and Berries
Tuesday: Banana Nut Porridge with berries
Wednesday: Banana Nut Porridge with berries
Thursday: Apple Butternut Squash Hash
Friday: Apple Butternut Squash Hash
Saturday & Sunday pick your favorites!

Shakeology or Leftovers are the Best Lunches!

7 Days of Paleo Lunches

I did Shakeology for lunch most days. It helps with my stomach and digestion, and I was scared for my IBS if I stopped it.

Chocolate Shakeology Recipe

If you choose to drink Shakeology  for lunch, I like the chocolate with 1/3 cup coconut milk, a frozen banana and water blended.

If you need a basic outline of lunch, you want to aim for a healthy fat and protein at each meal. For example, a spinach salad with a grilled chicken breast with veggies and extra virgin olive oil would be perfect.

You can also do leftovers from dinner for lunch; that is why I have a different recipe each night.

Dinner Recipes on Paleo Meal Plan

7 Days of Paleo Dinners

Monday: Avocado Chicken Salad
Tuesday: Paleo Pad Thai
Wednesday: Spaghetti Squash Bolognese
Or a quicker option: Spaghetti squash with grilled zucchini and sauce with extra virgin olive oil
Thursday: Roast with Veggies
Friday: Grilled chicken with veggies and avocado
Saturday: Steak, sweet potato (butter on the side, but you want it for your fat) and broccoli
Sunday: Country ham, bacon, tomatoes and veggies

Paleo Snacks (optional)

Nuts with grapes
Apple with sunflower butter
Coconut Cream with Fruit (dessert option)

Paleo Diet Meal Plans

This Paleo meal plan is just an outline. You can (and should) customize it to fit you. Just like I knew I wasn’t willing to give up Shakeology for lunch, you can make the same decisions. You can also check out the Whole 30 Guidelines here.

Have you tried the Paleo Diet? What did you think about?

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  1. Good for you for sticking with it! I’ve definitely found that some people thrive on paleo more than others, and it sounds like it’s been a really good thing for you. Great meal suggestions, too!

    1. Thanks Laura! I usually mix in a little Greek yogurt, and I still do shakes which have a little quinoa in it. Other than that though I really like the diet and have felt good with it. :)

  2. As a vegan I’m fascinated with Paleo. Such different philosophies and yet both have rave reviews! I think when it all comes down to it a constant with both food philosophies/theories is eliminating processed foods and focusing on eating whole foods.

    1. I totally agree! I have also done the Eat Clean Diet as well which focuses on the same principles.