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Insanity P90X Hybrid Workout Schedule Calendar

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We recently compared Insanity VS P90X, and it reminded me of how effective both programs are! I am not one to pick a favorite anything – so naturally, I created a P90x Insanity Hybrid Schedule!

I’m such a Tony Horton and P90X fan. I love his personality, variety of the workouts and his yoga! On the other hand, my husband doesn’t like his corny jokes and wants just an extreme workout. Needless to say, he loves Shaun T’s Insanity program. In an attempt to get the most out of both workouts, I created us a P90X Insanity Hybrid!

Need Just the Insanity Workout Calendar? Get it Here

Only Doing P90X? Get Its Calendar Here

P90X Insanity Hybrid Workout Schedule Calendar

What’s the Difference in the Insanity and P90X Schedule?

The whole Insanity program is cardio-based.

You won’t need any weights or equipment for the workout, but you will need enough space to move side to side and do a plank. Insanity uses max interval training and your own body resistance to help you burn fat and gain muscle definition (versus muscle mass). Each Insanity interval workout is around 40-60 minutes.

P90X fitness focuses on variety; each week you are mixing strength, cardio, and balance.

Tony wants you to improve in all areas of fitness with P90X. Consequently, you will be lifting weights one day then going all out doing a cardio workout the next day. Then he’ll challenge your balance with yoga and your core with Ab Ripper. While Insanity is 60 days, P90X is a full 3 months so you do have a few more workouts in the P90X calendar.

The fitness programs are advanced workouts and have similar meal plans.

Each workout program have some high-impact moves and change workouts each month. Both home workouts challenge you in a new way to keep shocking your body creating muscle confusion. This is a good because it keeps challenging your body which means you’ll work harder and see results faster.

My husband, Jake, lost 40lbs with Insanity! You can read more about his story and the program here.

Insanity Schedule - Insanity Results


How to Get The Most From This P90X Insanity Hybrid

  1. Schedule Workouts. Either workout is 40-60 minutes so put them on your calendar otherwise, you may be tempted to skip. Tell your family for this hour you’re working out and not to disturb you unless someone is bleeding or dying.
  2. Modify Each Workout to Suit Your Needs. Each workout contains advanced exercises and, consequently, high-impact moves. Listen to your body and focus on having good form.
  3. Plan Your Meals Ahead of Time. You are going to be working out like an athlete. You have to eat like one too in order to see results with either program or the hybrid.
  4. Give it Your All! It’s 2-3 months – so you have to either commit and go all in or your results will suffer. It won’t be easy so commit early on and remind yourself why you started this.
  5. Find Support. Tell your friends what you’re doing or find an online challenge like our 21 Day Challenge for additional accountability and motivation.
  6. Submit your Insanity or P90X results. Knowing I am going to take a before and after picture always motivates me and consequently keeps me on track even when I want a twinkie or something.

Also, remember the P90X Insanity hybrid is intense, and you should follow both program’s health protocol.

Our 60 Day P90X Insanity Hybrid Workout

Print the Calendar

Phase 1 – Week 1 & 2

Day 1 – Ripper Day – P90X Chest & Back + Ab Workout
Day 2 – Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit Workout
Day 3 – P90X Shoulders and Arms + Cardio Ab
Day 4 – Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance
Day 5 – P90X Legs & Back + Insanity Ab Workout
Day 6 – Insanity Pure Cardio
Day 7 – Yoga Workout

Recovery Week – Week 3

Day 1 – Core Synergistics
Day 2 – P90X Yoga
Day 3 – Kenpo
Day 4 – Core Synergistics
Day 5 – P90X Yoga
Day 6 – Kenpo
Day 7 – X-Stretch

Phase 2 – Week 4 & 5

Day 1 – P90X Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps + Ab Workout
Day 2 – Insanity Max Interval Circuit
Day 3 – P90X Biceps & Back + Ab Workout
Day 4 – Insanity Max Interval Plyo
Day 5 – P90X Legs & Back + Ab Workout
Day 6 – Insanity Max Workout Cardio Conditioning
Day 7 – Yoga Workout

Recovery Week – Week 6

Day 1 – Core Synergistics
Day 2 – P90X Yoga
Day 3 – Kenpo
Day 4 – Core Synergistics
Day 5 – P90X Yoga
Day 6 – Kenpo
Day 7 – X-Stretch

Phase 3 – Week 7 & 8

Day 1 – P90X Chest & Back + Ab Workout
Day 2 – Insanity Max Interval Circuit
Day 3 – P90X Shoulders & Arms + Ab Workout
Day 4 – Insanity Max Interval Plyo
Day 5 – P90X Legs & Back + Ab Workout
Day 6 – Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning
Day 7 – Yoga Workout

Recovery Week – Week 9

Day 1 – Core Synergistics
Day 2 – P90X Yoga
Day 3 – Kenpo
Day 4 – Core Synergistics
Day 5 – P90X Yoga
Day 6 – Kenpo
Day 7 – X-Stretch

This hybrid will help you mix up your routine and break a fitness plateau to get your best results!

Remember to stay hydrated, eat whole foods (nothing processed or in a box), and fuel your body with the best supplements to see max results in just 9 weeks.

Make sure to share your insane abs and results from both workouts in the comments below!

So Which Do You Like P90X or Insanity?

If you’re wanting to lose the most weight and develop lean muscle, then I would suggest Insanity. It’s 60 days versus 90 and focuses on cardio and body-weight resistance training which will help you hit your goals.

If you’re seeking more muscle mass with a balanced approach to fitness, then I would suggest P90X.

Neither program is a bad choice, and if you’re not sure you can always try this hybrid schedule below.

Need Just the Insanity Workout Schedule? Get it Here

Get the Workout Schedule P90X Here 

Do you need Insanity or P90X?

You can purchase either fitness program from us using the links on this page. Besides receiving the full workout and meal plan, you’ll also have us as your online support system and coaches. If this review or hybrid helped you, please consider using our links.

Order Insanity or Order P90X

You can also purchase the Insanity Challenge Pack or P90X Challenge Pack at a discounted price. You will receive a 30 Day Beachbody club membership which includes meal planning tools and the ability to stream both of these workouts plus 1000s of others.

You’ll even be able to stream all of the P90X programs including P90X3 and Insanity MAX 30 which are both newer programs from Tony Horton and Shaun T.

In addition to the membership, you’ll receive Shakeology for a month. I love the balance of protein, vitamins, and fiber in the shake for my breakfast or lunch. You can check out my full review of Shakeology here.

SoreyFitness' 3 Week Fitness Challenge

Need help getting started with the P90X Insanity Hybrid?

My mom and I would love to help you find the best program for your goals, identify what kind of meal plan will work best, and also hold you accountable. You can email us at thegirls@soreyfitness.com or tell us a little more about you by applying for our 21 Day Challenge.

Print Your Insanity P90X Hybrid Schedule

Order Insanity or Order P90X

You can also purchase the Insanity Challenge Pack or P90X Challenge Pack at a discounted price.

Have you thought about Beachbody Coaching? You get 25% off everything as a coach!

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  1. Want to do P90X/Insanity hybrid. Turning 61 on June 5th. Began P90X in 2010 lost weight and transformed my body along with Insanity. Life changes happened and I tried to do maintenance workouts to stay in shape, but that doesn’t work. Want to get ripped again!! Starting all over for 90 days…thanks for your website and reading this.
    Gary Phillips

  2. Hi Kalee! The schedule looks great. I initially wanted to incorporate other strength training workouts into my Insanity routine, but became hesitant when I read that it’s not a good idea to overwork your muscles. I knew this and didn’t want to injure myself. Today is Day 1 of month 2 and I just attempted to pick up an 8lb dumbbel that was lying around, and it felt like it was 20lbs. I don’t like the feeling of not being strong. I love the endurance that I gain from Insanity, but I think my body is yearning for some weights!