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Nutrisystem PowerFuel Ideas

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We’re sharing our favorite Nutrisystem PowerFuel Ideas to help you stay feeling full and satisfied! If you’re always feeling hungry on Nutrisystem, it’s probably because you aren’t getting enough of these foods into your day!

nutrisystem PowerFuel Ideas

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What is a PowerFuel?

A PowerFuel is a high quality protein, healthy fat, or a combination of both. They help you stay feeling full because they take your body a little while longer to digest them than sugar or carbs.

Each PowerFuel idea is about 100 calories and 5 grams a of protein.

Women and men on Nutrisystem should be getting 3 PowerFuels a day.

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PowerFuel Ideas:

  • TurboShake
  • 1 Egg
  • 4 Egg Whites
  • 1 Cup Milk (Almond, Soy or Regular)
  • Low Fat String Cheese
  • 1 Cheese Slice
  • Non-fat Greek Yogurt
  • 1 Tbsp Nut Butter
  • 2 Tbsp Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Peanuts, Pine Nuts, Walnuts, Pecans, or Cashews
  • NutriCrush bars
  • 2 oz Beef, Chicken, Ham, Pork or Turkey
  • 3 oz Clams, Crab Meat, Mussels, Lobseter or Fish
  • 1/2 Cup Edamame
  • 1 Cup Non-Fat Greek or Soy Yogurt
  • 1/2 Cup Tempeh
  • 1/2 Cup Tofu
  • 1/2 Cup Tuna
  • Veggie Burger (3 oz)

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 You can eat these by themselves, or we love to pair them with a SmartCarb.

Not sure on all this lingo?? You can find out what Free Foods & Extras are on Nutrisystem here!


A Picture of me at goal weight after I decided to buy Nutrisystem

Did you know we’ve shared a TON of resources about Nutrisystem?

We love how simple and effective it is! 

Check out our favorite meals here or find out how much the plan costs per month.

One thing that concerned us was how many calories I’d eat per day on Nutrisystem too – so we wrote a blog post about it, too!

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 If you have any questions about the program – just drop us a comment below, and we’ll make sure to reply!

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Worried about the price? Check out this post!


What are your favorite Nutrisystem PowerFuels?

We love having cashews and a cup of fresh berries for our snack! You can grab our favorite snack ideas here.

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