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How Many Protein Shakes a Day Can I Drink?

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Ever wonder how many protein shakes a day you can drink in order to lose weight? We outline how many shakes to drink per day for your goals, as well as, if you can drink too many in a day!

protein shaker cup and powder with the text overlay "How Many Protein Shakes a Day Can I Drink?"


How Much Protein Do I Need?

The US Food and Nutrition Board’s currently suggests .8 grams of protein per kg of bodyweight for adults. This is about .36 grams per pound. This recommendation increases up to .68 grams per pound if you’re working out.

Therefore, an average woman that weighs 170 lbs would need about 62 grams of protein per day if she doesn’t workout or 115 grams if she does exercise.

How many protein shakes can I have in a day?

Protein shakes are a great way to hit your daily goal, but 1 to 2 shakes a day is best. They’re convenient, but they’re not designed to replace real food.

women doing a cheers with protein shaker cups with the text overlay "is it okay to have 2 protein shakes a day?"

Is it bad to drink 2 protein shakes a day?

Drinking 2 protein shakes a day can be a quick and easy way to get in a meal or snack when you’re busy! Drinking 2 protein shakes a day is okay as long as you’re eating enough other food throughout the day.

Can you lose weight by replacing 2 meals with protein shakes?

Protein shakes don’t equate to weight loss on their own. Weight loss comes from eating less calories than the amount of calories you burn each day. Since protein shakes may be lower in calories, you may see weight loss, but you really will need to track your calories if your goal is to lose weight (source).

Can you drink protein shakes everyday without working out?

Yes, protein shakes are not limited to just people who exercise! Boost, Ensure, and other brands are marketed as a meal, but really – they’re just better marketed protein shakes. The average US woman needs 62 grams of protein a day even if she’s not working out.

How many protein shakes a day is too much?

It is recommended that you get no more than 1/3 of your protein from shakes. This allows you to get essential nutrients and a variety of foods like whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, fruits, and veggies into your diet. If you’re struggling to limit your shakes, you may benefit from meal prepping once or twice a week or a pre-packaged option like Nutrisystem.

You may be consuming too many protein shakes if you’re having certain GI symptoms like upset stomach, gas, and bloating according to Monica Auslander Moreno, MS, RD, LD/N, a registered dietitian in Miami. This is likely because of the additives your body may not be familiar with in the shakes. 

vanilla and chocolate protein powder

Look at the Ingredients

The type of protein you drink also will help you decide how many protein shakes to drink a day. Many brands include dairy, soy, corn starch, and artificial sugars which can upset your stomach.

Also, if you’re sensitive to dairy, whey protein may cause digestive issues because it’s a milk derivative. With that said, we prefer whey because soy protein isolate has been linked to causing inflammation, nausea, and skin conditions

Vegan pea protein vs Whey

Both pea protein and whey are high in protein. Whey is a creamier and some people absorb it better; however, we recommend trying both to see what your body does best with!

Is drinking a protein shake before bed bad?

The time of day you’re drinking your protein shake doesn’t really matter. If you’re hungry at bedtime, you could have a healthy snack or a protein shake. Some weightlifters will do a casein protein shake before bed to help with muscle soreness and recovery.

Should I drink protein shake before or after workout?

Protein helps repair and rebuild your muscles; therefore, it’s good to have more protein in your diet when you’re exercising. However, it doesn’t matter if you have protein before or after your workout. You just want to get in protein throughout the day (source).

Incorporating protein into your diet

While we love our protein shakes, we also like to get in protein through tracking our macros. Breanne’s Girls Guide to Getting Lean is a great guide to help you get started! We also love Metabolic Meals for pre-made, fresh meal options!

We also like Beachbody’s Recover after a workout, Shakeology for breakfast, Built Bars for a snack, and American Dream Nut Butter on top of overnight oats!!

2 protein smoothiesProtein Shake Recipes

3 chocolate protein donuts

We also have a few dessert ideas to help you curb your sweet tooth while getting in your protein!

We love these Chocolate Protein Donuts for breakfast or Vanilla Shakeology Protein Balls as an afternoon snack. Our 60 second Shakeology Mug Cake Recipe is also great at night when we’re craving a treat!