7 Day Home Workout Plan for Weight Loss (with Printable Workouts!)
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Lose weight and get fit at home with our 7 day workout plan for weight loss! This plan includes a full week of workouts and a printable workout guide!
Working out is essential for our health and a key ingredient in a balanced weight loss routine. But sometimes getting to the gym isn’t an option, especially if you’re super busy or your work schedule varies.
You can still get your workouts in and make time for weight loss workouts!
We created this 7-day home workout plan for weight loss that is easy to follow and modify, and will help you build strength, cardiovascular fitness, as well as lose fat.
What equipment do I need for this at home workout plan?
Our workouts only require a set of dumbbells and an exercise band and will take 30 minutes or less for each workout.
(We really love our adjustable Bowflex dumbbells, but you could use any weights you like!)
Ready to start? Read on for the workouts and our fitness tips!
Tips to make this 7 day home workout plan for weight loss even more effective
To really get the most out of this workout plan, you’ll need to make sure you’re not just working out, but you’re paying attention to your health in other ways as well.
Here are some things to also pay attention to as you do these weight loss home workouts:
- Get adequate sleep and take time to establish a healthy bedtime routine for great sleep
- Eat a healthy diet and take time to meal plan and meal prep for best results
- Stay hydrated! If you’re bored with plain water, try adding fruit to your water bottle.
- Don’t skip the stretching or recovery.
- Repeat this plan for 4-6 weeks, then begin a new workout plan.
We also feel most motivated when we set a weight loss reward as well!
7 day home workout plan for weight loss
Ready to get your weight loss kick started with an at-home workout routine? We put together a 7 day home workout plan for weight loss!
This workout plan includes:
- a warm up series,
- strength training,
- cardio,
- and cool down stretches.
The workouts will take you about 20-35 minutes from warm-up to cool down, so they are perfect for fitting into busy days.
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And because these are also circuit-style workouts, you’ll be able to complete as many rounds of the circuit as you like: 2 rounds is great for beginners, and you can complete 3-4 rounds if you’re an intermediate or advanced exerciser.
Exercises, reps, and sets are detailed in our printable workout guide, but we detail them below as well with tips.
Modifications for our home workout program
This weight loss home workout plan is created so that you can easily modify every exercise in this home workout plan!
Here are some modifications you can make for exercises if you have joint pain or you’re a beginner:
- Pushups can be done on your knees, or you can do them against a wall or counter to make them a bit easier.
- Jumping jacks can be modified to a step touch for a lower impact movement.
- Plank jacks can be replaced with a plank and toe tap for lower impact.
- Jump squats can be replaced with regular squats if you need to keep it lower impact.
Listen to your body and feel free to modify any exercise that you need to adjust!
Before Your Workout: Warm up
For any workout program, it’s essential to do a proper warm up first to prepare your body for movement.
Getting your body properly warm and doing dynamic stretches before a workout can help to reduce injury and soreness during and after your workouts.
Don’t skip the warm up even if you’re tempted to!
Here’s an easy warm up circuit you can do at home for this workout.
Complete the first 4 exercises as an easy circuit, then perform the dynamic stretches. Save the static stretches for after your workout during the cool down :)
Warm up circuit:
- Easy march or jog in place 1 minute
- Bodyweight squats x 4
- Plank + shoulder taps x 4/side, alternate sides
- Plank + down dog x 3
- Repeat 2 times total then follow with dynamic stretches below
- Butt kickers
- High knees (no jumping)
- Walking high kicks
Cool down
Every workout should be followed by an adequate cool down of light activity to reduce your heart rate, foam rolling, and static stretching.
You can also do a short yoga routine for your cool down as well if you like!
This is a great way to end a workout and keep your muscles elastic.
Beachbody on Demand has yoga workouts that you can do at home that are great for finishing up a workout or doing on your active rest day (Day 6, Saturday).
Day 1 (Monday) total body strength training and cardio circuit:
Day 1 (or Monday if you choose to start on a Monday) is a total body strength training and cardio circuit.
You’ll complete this workout as a circuit without rests between exercises, but you’ll have a rest at the end of the circuit before beginning the circuit again.
Each of our strength training circuits on day 1, day 3, and day 5 are all performed this way as well.
Day 3 is a strength only circuit, so no cardio moves in that workout.
Each workout in our strength circuits has 5 exercises in them, so you’ll be able to complete your entire workout in 20-30 minutes unless you’d like to go a little bit longer!
Day 1 workout:
- Alternating reverse lunges x 10/side
- Band row x 12
- Pushups (use your knees or counter to make these easier if needed) x 8-12
- Plank jacks x 15
- Jumping jacks x 20
- Rest 1-2 minutes
- Repeat circuit, 2 times total for beginners, 3-4 times total for intermediate/advanced
Day 2 (Tuesday): HIIT cardio
HIIT stands for high intensity interval training, and it’s a great way to burn fat and increase your stamina and cardiovascular endurance. If you’re a beginner, replace HIIT with MIIT: moderate intensity interval training.
The concept and execution is the same, you’ll just reduce your intensity a little bit to fit your personal needs.
You can learn more about HIIT workouts here.
You can do your HIIT/MIIT workout with any cardio or equipment that you enjoy, like cycling, running, walking/hiking, elliptical, etc.
Day 2 workout:
- Choose your desired cardio and warm up for 5-10 minutes at an easy pace. then perform intervals.
- Perform your intervals: do an intense interval for 30 seconds, then recover with easy/moderate interval for 1-2 minutes.
- Beginners do intervals for 15 minutes, intermediate advanced do intervals for 20-30 minutes.
- Cool down with 5-10 minutes of easy cardio, then foam roll and stretch.
Day 3 (Wednesday): total body strength training
Our Day 3 workout (Wednesday) is a total body strength training workout, except this one doesn’t have cardio exercises in it like the strength workout for Monday and Friday.
This day’s workout is just strength low impact strength training, which is a nice break after an intense HIIT workout.
Day 3 workout:
- Dumbbell or bodyweight squats x 15-20
- Russian Twist x 8-10/side
- Band bicep curls x 12
- Bridges x 20
- Side plank + hip dips x 8-10/side
- Rest 1-2 minutes
- Repeat circuit, 2 times total for beginners, 3-4 times total for intermediate/advanced
Day 4 (Thursday): LISS cardio
Thursday’s workout is pretty straight forward: you’ll do a low intensity steady state cardio (LISS) workout.
This workout is the opposite of a HIIT workout, so you’ll keep your tempo steady and at a moderate intensity during the entire duration of your workout.
LISS is a great addition to your workout program because it trains different metabolic systems in your body (aerobic) than HIIT training and since you can’t do HIIT training all the time, this will keep you burning calories while you take a rest from more intense workouts.
Day 4 workout:
- Choose your workout (can be anything that increases your heart rate that you can maintain, like cycling, running, elliptical, rowing, etc.)
- Warm up then 30-45 minutes of steady state cardio at moderate intensity
Day 5 (Friday): total body strength and cardio circuit
The workout for Day 5 is a total body strength and cardio circuit similar to Monday’s workout. Take a longer rest if needed after those jump squats!
Day 5 workout:
- Dumbbell squat press x 12-15
- Donkey kicks x 15-20/leg (add band or ankle weights for added resistance)
- Tricep pushups x 8-10 (use counter if needed to make easier)
- Mountain climbers x 20/leg
- Jump squats x 10 (or regular squats for beginners)
- Rest 1-2 minutes
- Repeat circuit, 2 times total for beginners, 3-4 times total for intermediate/advanced
Day 6 (Saturday): active rest
You’re almost done with the week! Today is an active rest day, so you’re still moving in some way, but it’s easy and restorative movement.
This can be anything that moves you in an easier way, like yoga, walking, hiking, easy bike riding, etc. The goal is to keep moving your body while still allowing it to rest and recover from your strength training and cardio workouts.
Day 7 (Sunday): rest day
Take a day off completely and rest. You can do a very light workout like walking or easy yoga if you like, but make sure that it’s easy. You want to give your body a break and a chance to recover for your week’s workouts.
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Want to take this 7 day home workout plan for weight loss a step further?
We know it can be helpful to have accountability and/or a live workout on your TV or phone to exercise with!
That’s why we offer at home challenges to help you get max results!
You may also like our 5 Best Treadmills for a Small Spaces Under $500 or our Printable Walking Chart!
Join our 21-day challenge or check out BODIfor more great home workouts!
Sarah Jane Parker is a food and healthy living blogger at The Fit Cookie, an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer, ACE Certified Health Coach, Revolution Running certified running coach, YogaFit Level 1 certified yoga instructor, and an ACE Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist.
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