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21 Day Fix vs 21 Day Extreme [Comparison]

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Both the 21 day fix vs 21 day fix extreme are weight loss and toning up. We share the differences in the workouts, modifications and meal plan. Find out which program works best for your goals below.

21 Day Fix vs 21 Day Fix Extreme-min

Quick Summary:

The 21 Day Fix is designed for beginners wanting to lose weight whereas the 21 Day Fix Extreme helps advanced exercisers get leaner and lower body fat. 21 Day Fix Extreme includes plyo moves and an additional meal plan option.

Both programs include 30-minute workouts and use portion control containers. 

21 Day Challenge in 30 Minutes

Who is the 21 Day Fix For?

  • Beginners looking to lose 10 lbs+
  • Intermediate exercisers that need help with nutrition
  • People who have failed dieting in the past.
  • Anyone who needs some flexibility in their diet.
  • People looking to see results quickly.
  • Anyone who hates counting calories but still wants to track their food.

The program focuses on weight loss and healthy habits.

Get our full 21 Day Fix Review!

21 Day Fix Sample Workout

You can try day 1 of the newest 21 Day Fix workouts that were filmed in real time in 2019!

Anytime the workouts are shot in “real-time” this means, none of them repeat. The original 21 Day Fix workouts are also available, along with these, on Beachbody on Demand.

This workout is Total Body Cardio and considered Day 1 of the program.

You can also get it here: 21 Day Fix Real Time Sample Workout

21DFX NEW Workouts by Autumn Calabrese

Who is the 1 Day Fix Extreme For?

  • Advanced exercisers looking to get shredded and lose body fat.
  • Graduates of the 21 Day Fix program.
  • Someone looking for an extreme 30 minute workout.
  • Anyone who wants to learn how fitness competitors eat.
  • People that exercise regularly but are looking for a new challenge!

The program focuses on muscle definition and getting ripped.

Get our full 21 Day Fix Extreme Review.

21 Day Fix Extreme Sample Workout

This is a full workout from Day 1 of 21 Day Fix Extreme Real Time.

Just like the original program, Autumn redid the 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts in 2019 so that none of them repeat. You get access to the original program plus the real-time version with Beachbody on Demand.

You can also stream it here: 21 Day Fix Extreme Real Time Sample Workout

The 21 Day Fix is designed for beginners wanting to lose weight whereas the 21 Day Fix Extreme helps advanced exercisers get leaner and lower body fat. Both programs include 30-minute workouts and use portion control containers. 21 Day Fix Extreme includes plyo moves and an additional meal plan option.

21 Day Fix vs 21 Day Fix Extreme at a Glance

  21 Day Fix 21 Day Fix Extreme
Who Should Do It? Beginners to Intermediate Advanced Level
Workout Intervals 1-Minute Moves with 15 Second Break Intervals & Breaks Vary
Impact Level Low-Impact Modifier Low-Impact, but More Intense
Meal Plan Flexible with 3 Treats Per Week No Treats; Competition Meal Plan
Recipes Easy to Follow Easy to Follow
Results Lose up to 15 lbs Shred & Tone Up

Both at-home programs are the same price and designed by fitness competitor, Autumn Calabrese.

21 Day Fix vs 21 Day Fix Extreme

Other Similarities:

  • Designed by Autumn Calabrese
  • Daily workouts
  • 30 minute workouts
  • 2 Sets of dumbbells are required (3-5lbs to 8-12lbs)
  • Each workout includes a modifier
  • You’ll use the portion control containers in both
  • Shakeology is used in both programs


  • Extreme is harder. The workouts include jump training.
  • A resistance band is required for Extreme.
  • Extreme uses plyo and drop-sets for an extra challenge.
  • There are more compound & balance moves in Extreme.
  • Extreme doesn’t allow for any treats.
  • Countdown to Competition Meal Plan is only included with Extreme

Kim and Kalee with Autumn Calabrese from the 21 Day Fix Workouts

How long are the 21 Day Fix Extreme Workouts?

Each of the workouts are 30 minutes a day.

21 Day Fix vs 21 Day Fix Extreme for Weight Loss?

If your goal is weight loss, I would recommend the 21 Day Fix. I saw a larger weight loss with it as have our clients. You can always step up to the 21 Day Fix Extreme later.

Both programs are available and included with a Beachbody on Demand streaming membership! You can try Beachbody on Demand for free for 14 days!

laura 21 day fix review

How Much Harder is 21 Day Fix Extreme?

It’s quite a bit harder. You can expect an intense workout full of variety, resistance training and plyo moves.

We saw our heart rate sore with Extreme, and the meal plan is more strict too which is a whole new level of hard.

Can You Build Muscle with 21 Day Fix Extreme?

You can definitely build muscle with the 21 Day Fix Extreme. You’ll be doing a lot of resistance moves to build lean muscle.

To add muscle mass, you’ll want to increase your calories and lift heavier than normal. We suggest adding in 500 calories versus subtracting calories to see muscle gains.

You may also prefer LIIFT4 or 80 Day Obsession if your goal is muscle mass. (Both are included with Beachbody on Demand for no additional charge!)

21 Day Fix - What Do I Eat_ Using the Containers Can You have Alcohol

Our Review of Both Programs

After doing both workouts, we prefer the 21 Day Fix unless you’re an advanced exerciser used to workouts like Insanity Max 30 or HIIT training. Extreme doesn’t necessarily mean better results. Our clients saw better results from the original because many had 20 lbs+ to lose, and the Extreme was too hard for them.

With the 21 Day Fix meal plan nothing is off limits! You can prep all of your food pretty quickly, and the portion control containers keep tracking super simple! We also love that you have up to 3 treats a week and still see great results.

Both programs include nutrition options for vegetarians, vegans and breast-feeding mommas.

The 21 Day Fix Extreme is harder in the workouts and more strict in the meal plans. You can’t have a single treat for 3 weeks. It also includes a Countdown to Competition meal plan that drops your starches (yellows & purples) quite a bit.

Struggling with nutrition? You might also like her video series called Ultimate Portion Fix!

What’s Included in 21 Day Fix vs 21 Day Fix Extreme?

Both programs include almost the same amount of goodies, and both are the same price –  $99 to stream for a year with Beachbody on Demand or $160 for the challenge pack.

3 Options to Try:

1) Just the 21 Day Fix + Extreme DVDs

Prefer not to stream your workouts? No problem! Grab the DVDs for both programs!

2) Challenge Pack with Portion Control Containers, Beachbody on Demand, & Shakeology (LOVE Shakeology for feeling our best!)

You’ll receive access to both programs plus 100s of other workouts with Beachbody On Demand. You’ll also receive Shakeology, portion-control containers, and access to a Beachbody Coach like us!

3) Challenge Pack with Portion Control Containers, Beachbody on Demand, & Workout Supplements (great for getting MAX results)

This option includes both programs plus 100s of other workouts with Beachbody On Demand. You’ll also receive Beachbody Performance Energize and Recover, portion-control containers, and a coach like us!

Still not sure or want to try streaming before committing? Get Your Beachbody on Demand 2-Week Trial

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  1. I’ve heard of 21 day fix but I have yet to hear about 21 Day Extreme. I think 21 Day Fix is a better fit for me, but 21 Day Extreme looks like a fun challenge. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Out of the two, the original is our favorite! :) We hope you love it! Are you working with a coach? If not, we’d love to help by offering a sample meal plan and our Feb/March challenge group. Does that sound like something you might like?