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2B Mindset vs Portion Control Containers: Which Should You Use?

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Both the 2b Mindset and the portion control containers can help with weight loss, but which is right for you? If you’re doing 21 Day Fix, LIIFT4 or another Beachbody workout, you might be a little confused on which meal plan is best. So we’ll be outlining which one to choose in our 2B Mindset vs Portion Control Containers review!

2b mindset vs portion control containers-min

2B Mindset vs Portion Control Containers

Let’s dig into both nutrition options, and then we’ll see how they vary. We’re going to consider both workouts equally whether you’re working out or not.

2B Mindset

I anxiously bought 2B Mindset after years off and on with the containers. I was at a plateau with about 7lbs to lose, and if I saw one more green box to fill with veggies I was going to scream. 2B Mindset promised to help with emotional eating (Hello, that’s me!!) and create better habits that also allowed for some treats.

The best part?

People lost weight with 2B Mindset without even working out!

2B Mindset Results Test Group

The 2B Mindset Set Up

Unlike the containers, 2B Mindset is more free. You’ll learn how to fuel your body from a top UCLA Registered Dietician, Illana.

The program includes 26 videos on healthy eating including:

  • how to grocery shop
  • conquering your mindset and emotional eating
  • how to eat when you’re traveling
  • best practices to eating at restaurants.

Plus here are 5 videos on overcoming challenges we face with losing weight and several recipe videos too.

2B Mindset Meals-min

There aren’t set portions in this program, but there are 4 basic principles to follow.  Along with the principles, there is a food list which is super helpful. Illana breaks it down into Veggies, Proteins, Carbs (called FFCs) and accessories (fats, condiments, sweeteners, etc).

So you have a great list of foods to eat on all day, and she also outlines how much to eat of each at each meal. For example, breakfast is 50% protein and 50% carbs.  You never have to measure, count or weigh your food on the plan! You just stick to the food list and eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and 1 snack.

2B Mindset Principles

  • Drink your water
  • Eat lots of veggies
  • Track your food at each meal
  • Have dinner & be done eating for the rest of the night
  • Allow yourself to enjoy your favorite foods – just track it.
  • Weigh daily to track changes and progress
  • Still hungry? She allows you to eat more using the #1-4 More Tool below.

Grab our favorite 2B Mindset recipes here!

More Wheel 2B Mindset

Read More on the 2B Mindset or see the Before & After Photos Here

Portion Control Containers

The portion control containers became so popular with the 21 Day Fix, but they’re also used in workouts like Insanity Max 30, 80 Day Obsession & LIIFT4.

21 Day Fix Containers

The containers are designed as a way to easily track your macros. (Interested in Macros? Also see our IIFYM guide)

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The containers offered freedom in the sense that you weren’t having to count calories or track percentages of macros.

We love the containers because once you calculate how many of each food group you get, you’re set and know what to eat each day. Unlike 2B Mindset, you can eat as often as you want as long as it fits into the containers!

21 Day Fix - What Do I Eat_ Using the Containers Can You have Alcohol

For example, you may get 3 greens, 2 purples, 4 reds, 2 yellows, 1 blue, 1 orange and 2 tsps to eat throughout the day. From there you can use the Approved Food List to fill the each container however you like.

They also came out with Fixate to help people with simple, yummy recipes broken down by container amounts.

How Treats Factor Into Portion Control Containers

When the 21 Day Fix came out, the rule for a treat was to save 2 yellow containers up to 3x a week for a treat. You treat could be a glass of wine, small piece of cake, or anything you really wanted for about 200 calories or less.

Since then, the more extreme programs like 21 Day Fix Extreme and Insanity Max 30 have not allowed for a treat at all. The LIIFT4 program that uses the containers allows for 1 treat day per week.

Read More on the Portion Control Containers or the 21 Day Fix

Ultimate Portion Fix

If you like the idea of containers, you should also look at Autumn’s Ultimate Portion Fix Guide!

It’s a video series like 2B is, but it’s by Autumn. She goes into carb cycling, feeding your family on the containers and clean eating.

2B Mindset vs Portion Control Containers

Here’s also a quick way to compare the two nutrition programs.


  Portion Control Containers 2B Mindset
Flexibility Not Flexible Most Flexible
Tracking Containers Food Journal
Weigh Daily No Yes
Strict Set of Rules Yes No
Results Yes Yes

How to Decide Between 2B Mindset vs Portion Control Containers

Now you know both plans work and how they’re set up. Which plan sounds right for you?

A few questions to ask yourself are:

  • Will you be consistent about tracking every thing you eat if it gives you flexibility in your diet? (Yes = 2B Mindset, No = Containers)
  • Are you comfortable eyeballing your portions? (Yes = 2B Mindset, No = Containers)
  • Do you thrive on flexibility in your diet or structure? (Flexibility = 2B Mindset, Structure = Containers)
  • Do you use a lot of recipes? (Easier on 2B Mindset)
  • Are you ready for a change or bored with the containers? (Self explanatory)

2B Mindset vs Portion Control Containers: Which one works best?

Honestly, we believe both work really well. It really comes down to what plan works best for you.

Both 2B Mindset & the containers have you being mindful of your nutrition – and that’s what helps you lose weight.

We know 2B Mindset was advertised as a “lose weight without working out” program, but it is still a great way to eat when you’re working out as well.

Order Portion Fix Containers or 2B Mindset

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  1. This was most helpful, being busy and not having much extra time to track food intake I think going with the containers is right for me now. Thanks so much for this info, it was so easy to decide after reading your explanations.