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Body Beast Workout Schedule & Workout Sheets (Beachbody Program)

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We outline the Beachbody Body Beast Workout Schedule and workout sheets so that you can track your weight progression. Sagi Kalev’s Body Beast is the ultimate home strength training program and includes dynamic set training, drop sets, tempo workouts, and the addition of progressive sets to help you get max results quicker!

Body Beast Logo with Sagi Kalev

How long is each Body Beast Schedule?

Each of the workout schedules are 90 days long. Depending on which workout calendar you choose, you’ll do different workouts to make sure you are weight training in an effective way each day.

What do the schedules look like?

There are 2 specific Body Beast Workout Schedules to pick from: Huge and Lean. Either Body Beast training schedule works the entire body and can help you shed body fat.

Each plan does help you with different goals though — The Lean Beast calendar will help you lose fat as you gain muscle and Huge Beast schedule focuses solely on muscle gains with no weight loss.

lean beast schedule of workouts

Best Huge Schedule

Both of the Beast Workout Schedules will help you burn fat, and if you stick to the meal plan you’re going to see results! The main difference is the Lean Beast Calendar has more cardio mixed than the Huge Beast Calendar.

Get Your Body Beast Workout sheets

Seriously though, does Body Beast work?

Totally! It doesn’t matter which calendar you’re following, you’re going to see results. If you’re not seeing progress, it’s time to tailor in your healthy eating and figure out what’s going on with your diet. Check out these women’s Body Beast’s results!

Women's Results with Body Beast

The Body Beast Phases

Like other popular home workout programs, Body Beast program uses a 3-phase system for 90 days. Each phase includes total body workouts, and separate upper body and lower body workouts to help you gain chest muscles, shredded arms, a strong core, and powerful quads and glutes!

1st Build Phase:

The Build phases focuses on proper form and a strong foundation of strength. You’ll do supersets and giant sets to build muscle. This phase includes Chest & Tris, Back & Bis, Shoulders, and Leg workouts. 

2nd Bulking Phase:

The Bulk phase uses muscular hypertrophy to build muscle growth. You’ll do a combination of Force Sets, Progressive Sets, Combo Sets, and Multi-Sets to gain more muscle, and there is also no cardio workout in this 30 day phase. It includes 5 workouts: Back, Chest, Shoulders, Arms, and Legs.

3rd Beast Phase:

This 3rd and finale phase of the 90-day video workout plan helps shred off that added bulk and see lean muscle mass. Along with combining workouts from the Build and Bulk phases, you’ll mix in circuit-training and intense core work for max results. In this phase, you do use the previous workouts plus add in Beast Abs and Beast Cardio.

Sagi and Kalee Flexing

WhaT ARE all of these different “sets”?

Body Beast came from Sagi’s new-school performance training after he won Mr. Israel for his personal body building. Each workout routine keeps your muscle fibers firing every single workout with 6 different types of strength training.

The 6 Different Types of Training Are

Super Sets: Any 2 exercises that are done without any rest between them

Giant Sets: 3 exercises done back-to-back-to-back targeting the same muscle group

Multi-Sets: 3 moves targeting different muscle groups

Force Sets: Five sets of five reps, with 10 seconds of rest between each set

Progressive Sets: A pyramid that goes from high reps, lighter weight to low reps, heavier weight, takes a short break, and then goes in reverse, from low reps heavier weight to high reps lighter weights

Combo Sets: An exercise that works more than one muscle group at a time

Varying up your circuit routine, as well as, focusing on different angles can help you see better results faster.

How long are the workouts?

Every workout is under an hour.

Build Phase

  • Build Legs: 38 min
  • Build Chest and Triceps: 48 min
  • Build Back and Bis: 50 min
  • Build Shoulders: 38 min

Bulk Phase

  • Bulk Legs: 41 min
  • Bulk Arms: 35 min
  • Bulk Chest: 30 min
  • Bulk Back: 29 min
  • Bulk Shoulders: 35 min

Cardio and Bonus Workouts

  • Beast Abs: 10 min
  • Beast Cardio: 38 min
  • Beast Total Body: 38 min

Another great program to try is Hammer & Chisel! We recommend doing it or LIIFT4 after Body Beast.

What equipment is required?

You’ll want a variety of dumbbells, a workout bench or stability ball, a pull-up bar or a set of resistance bands to modify the pull-ups and chin-ups.

I personally used Bowflex’s Selecttech dumbbells, and I love them. View my full review of the adjustable dumbbells here. I am also thankful for my assist band for the chin ups because of the reps involved.

The Eating Plan

You can use either Beach Body Nutrition Plan – Ultimate Portion Fix or 2B Mindset with either schedule. We prefer Ultimate Portion Fix or a macros approach including small meals throughout the day because you need enough protein and carbs to fuel your workouts.

Beachbody Performance Supplement Review

The Supplements

Along with the exercise videos, we also recommend using Beachbody’s Energize, Recover, and Recharge. We’ve found using all three is the best way for us to see results.

  • Energize – Pre-workout
  • Recover – Post-workout to help with muscle recovery & growth
  • Recharge – Pre-Bedtime 

If you don’t have Beachbody on Demand yet, you can grab a Body Beast Challenge Pack with the supplements!

If you’re looking to add pounds of muscle, we also recommend looking into Beachbody’s Creatine to help you get the max out of each workout routine.

Grab a Trial Pack of Body Beast Supplements 

Beachbody on Demand Review

Ordering Body Beast

Body Beast is no longer offered on DVDs. The best way to get it is to stream it through Beachbody on Demand. With your membership, you’ll get access to 40+ fitness programs. You can stream to your TV or even your tablet or mobile phone! You can also download up to 5 workouts at a time.

You can learn more about Beachbody on Demand or get started with a BOD membership here!

body beast bear hug

Need a Beachbody Coach?

We’d love to help you towards your goals! If you’d like additional support, email us at thegirls@soreyfitness.com or reach out using this form! You may also like our Beachbody Coach Guide.

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Get the pdf files & printable Worksheets

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  1. Thank you for the valuable information! I am currently about to start body beast as I bought the program years ago while it still had DVDs but lost the schedule and have no access to it now that it isn’t available as a program.

  2. I have your dvd set and did it with a few friends. I was the only one that completely it. I was amazed with the results Unfortunately I’m quite older. About 10 years older and I would like to do this at my local gym. Before we did it in a friends garage with a tv and dvd player. At the gym they don’t offer this set up. How will I do it now with no tv or dvd?

    1. You could stream it using your phone if you have a smart phone with the BODi app, or you could also try finding the individual workout sheets online. You could print them and follow the sheet as a guide.