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Top Beachbody Coaches Share Their Experience (2024)

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My mom and I started our business in July 2011. Since then, we earned the title of Elite two times, and we continue to be in the top 1% of the company. Below, we’ll outline how to find the best Beachbody Coach for you. We also share our experience with the company over almost a decade!

Note: Beachbody officially became BODi in March 2023, and we are still top BODi partners!

best beachbody coaches - 2 top coaches stretching

How to Find The Best Beachbody Coach For You

A Beachbody Coach (now called a BODi Partner) can help you with any questions, offer support, and also help you get back on track when you’re feeling less than inspired. 

The really cool thing about Beachbody coaching is that there is someone just like you (or who you strive to become).

There are female coaches, male coaches, and coaches in their 20s to their 60s all over the United States, Canada, and the UK! Each one of these coaches are at a different point in their weight loss and fitness journey and have their own unique offerings and personality.

So there is someone you’re bound to connect with and really like!

We highly recommend finding someone that treats Beachbody Coaching as a business though. 

As a client or someone thinking of signing up to coach, you want to find someone that is going to be around long-term to help you grow.

You also want to make sure they’re consistently showing up.

So find someone you LIKE that also is as committed to this as you are to their personal growth.

If you’d like us to be your Beachbody Coaches (aka BODi Partner) – let us know by emailing us at thegirls@soreyfitness.com or using the form below!

You can also learn more about us here.

2014 and 2015 Elite Beachbody Coach

What’s Considered a Top Coach?

Beachbody recognizes Top Coaches in a variety of ways. The first is with rankings and compensation.

Coaches can also earn titles like Elite and Success Club All Star for their success, as well as, annual trips.

We have earned the title of Elite, as well as, Success Club All Star, and we’ve been on several trips including Disney, a Caribbean cruise, and to the Maya Rivera.

Depending on your goals, you may choose to set a goal for a title, rank, income, or all 3. We currently focus on optimizing our income.

Why We Quit Beachbody Coaching

Yup, we quit back in 2011. 

Well, actually I (Kalee) signed up with someone randomly on Twitter (remember when that was a thing?!) in the summer of 2011. Once I signed up, she told me to set up my website and that was about where the conversation ended.

I had no clue what I was doing, and after receiving a 2nd box of Shakeology, I cancelled everything.

It wasn’t until March 2012, that my mom and I decided to sign back up and commit to coaching as a business.

At that point, we really started searching out who the best Beachbody Coach was for us — We wanted someone plugged into corporate, was consistently showing up and doing well, and who offered training to her team.

After talking to 2 coaches we researched, we picked a coach and never looked back.

Now, we actually lead our own team, Sweat Nation, and offer a private training website and accountability group for them!

We help coaches get started, grow their social media accounts so they’re not hitting up family and friends to buy something, and walk them through how to host both free and paid challenge groups. We also teach them exactly what we did to grow our business to where it is today!

Cancun Elite Coach Party with Autumn Calabrese

Why We Came Back to Beachbody

I mentioned above that I quit Beachbody Coaching back in the day. I cancelled because I didn’t understand how to make it a business, and I didn’t have the training to get going (even though I had the initiative to take action).

At the time, I had over $30,000 in student loans, and my parents had just lost their home due to the real estate bubble.

So my mom and I knew it would be nice to create an extra stream of income.

It’s also fair to say we aren’t super talented at making anything. So we looked at our hobbies, and we loved to workout and eat right.

So we started digging into how to make that an income.

Personal training required too many hours away from home, and the income was limited to the hours and clients we were able to work with.

The idea of teaching classes online was scary because 1) we’re introverted and 2) the liability insurance was crazy expensive.

We weren’t sure we’d make it as a food blogger because we weren’t great cooks, and our photos weren’t that pretty.

So — we started looking at affiliate companies.

It was clear — we were Beachbody girls.

We loved TurboFire and ChaLEAN Extreme, and we always bought a new DVD program even if it meant not going out to eat that weekend or not buying a new top.

So we started researching coaches and learning about how Beachbody Coaches make an income. 

Check out our full Beachbody program comparison here!

Jericho from Beachbody

How Beachbody Coaches Make an Income

Every BODi Partner makes 35% commission for BODi memberships and subscription plans. Partners also earn 20% commission off anything else bought through their online website.

It doesn’t matter if you’re brand new or the top Beachbody Coach / BODi Partner — everyone makes the same commission.

This isn’t always the case in multi-level marketing companies — a lot of the time the percent is small at first and gets bigger as you grow a team.

We liked that everyone has the same commission structure because we could set an income goal and knew how much we needed to have go through our site to hit that goal.

Beachbody Coaches can also build a team like we did, and they earn a weekly bonus when the team does well.

So now, that makes up a large part of our income as well, but it happened very organically. Our clients wanted to coach when they saw results, or people saw us doing well and wanted us to train them, and that’s how Sweat Nation started!

You Can Learn More About Beachbody Coach’s Incomes Here!

Joel Freeman from LIIFT4

Are there already too many coaches to become the BEST Beachbody Coach?

No way! 

Beachbody is always creating new workouts and supplements that fit different personalities and lifestyles, and they’re expanding coaching into other countries like the UK and France.

Plus, a lot of coaches only coach for a hobby or even just to make a little mad money a couple times a year. Only a small percent of people are actively working it as a business.

So there is plenty of room to grow and build a business.

shaun week summit 2017

The 3 Things You Need to Know Before Signing up

Over the past 9 years, we’ve learned a lot.

In my opinion, there are 4 specific things that really determine whether you’re successful or not in this business.

1) It’s not a get-rich-quick thing.

Unlike other multi-level marketing sales pitches, Beachbody never promotes itself as a get-rich-quick opportunity.

While you can make a large income coaching, we recommend thinking of it as a sales-based or client-based business. At the beginning, you’re going to have to build that cliental and creditability.

2) You have to talk to people – not hardcore sales, but you’re going to have to share to be successful.

We often hear, “I’m introverted!” or “I don’t want to sale!” when people are considering coaching. And both are great things to talk about before signing up.

We’re definitely introverted, and we knew this had to be an online-business for us because we could chat online WAY better than going to a party.

We also are not salesy. We really focus on helping people looking for help.

3) Consistency is King.

You really need to show up everyday in this business — even if it’s a quick post in your client group or on your social media.

It’s also worth noting that whatever you’re doing right now tends to show up 3 months from now in your business.

It’s like a snowball. You have to build it, and you’ll see the momentum as that snowball gets rolling.

4) You don’t have to like EVERY program or supplement.

You don’t have to love Shakeology or a specific workout to be a great coach. Beachbody has so many workouts, nutrition programs, and supplements that you can pick and choose what you share about and recommend.

For us – we focus on things we love like LIIFT4, 21 Day Fix, Energize, and Recover. We also drink Shakeology, but we prefer Chocolate over the other flavors.

You also won’t see us really talking about Daily Sunshine because we don’t have kids or Insanity because we’re not big on cardio. Both are great products for someone – but not for us.

If you have additional questions you may also like our full Beachbody Coach Guide with more details and Q&As.

Yield: 1 Beachbody Coach

Sign up to be a Beachbody Coach Today

Beachbody Summit 2018

If you're wondering the steps to sign up to become a Beachbody Coach, we have you covered! This guide makes it super easy to get started!

Active Time 15 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Difficulty Easy


  • A Beachbody Coach you want to sign up with (like us)
  • You social security number (for taxes)
  • An hour a day to commit to your business


  • A laptop, desktop, or phone
  • Good WiFi
  • A passion for people & fitness


  1. You'll want to click here to sign up
  2. If you'd like us to be your coach, make sure it says Kalee Dillard is your coach. If not, my coach ID is 1001548.
  3. Fill in your information and click "Continue."
  4. On the next page, you'll see the option to choose a challenge pack. A pack includes your workouts (or Beachbody on Demand for a year) and a supplement of your choice. A pack also waives the coach sign up fee. We personally recommend a pack so you can try something to share with others, but you can also click SKIP & pay the $39.95 sign up fee.
  5. Complete the checkout process.
  6. Next, you'll receive an email confirmation from Beachbody.
  7. Now you're officially a Beachbody Coach!! WOO HOO!
  8. If you selected us as your coach, you'll also receive a welcome email and an invite to our private Facebook coach community soon!
  9. Also, feel free to email us at thegrls@soreyfitness.com when you sign up so we can help you get started quicker!


  • The $39.95 coach fee covers your online office with announcements, client guides, trainings, and so much more. You also receive a website like this one.
  • It's free to cancel coaching at any time.
  • There are no sales minimums that you have to hit.
  • It's $15.95 per month to maintain your online office and website. This is typically covered with one sale.
  • You make 25% commission off sales, and you also receive a 25% off your personal orders as a coach!

Let's Take This To the Next Level!

Follow us on Instagram for more recipes, workouts, & motivation!

Our Team at Beachbody's Coach Summit 2019

What People Are Saying About Us

Before meeting Kim and Kalee, I was struggling with my fitness goals. I would start out strong, but I just didn’t stay on track. With their motivation and support, I have not only stayed on track myself, but now I’m helping others reach their fitness and health goals! I’ve never felt or looked better, and I love being a part of their coaching team! – Carrie Scott 
Before working with Kim and Kalee, I felt guarded sharing my fitness journey and doubted my abilities as a coach. They have offered so many amazing training opportunities which have helped me step out of my comfort zone and build my confidence as a leader. Now, I’m a stronger coach not only for me but for my girls and Fit Fam! – Jill Carothers
Kim and Kalee Sorey are absolutely awesome! They have been valuable mentors. I strive to emulate the accepting and easy going approach that has made them wildly successful. – Cindy Miller
Several coaches reached out to me wanting to sponsor me as a coach but so many of them felt fake and I just did not feel the connection. Kim and Kalee truly wanted success for me and listened to my goals. They were right with me every step of the way.  5 years later, I run my own online business full-time helping others achieve health and success. – Judy Malone

Kim and Kalee are consistent sources of encouragement. They are ready to answer your questions regarding the latest Beachbody programs or provide honest critiques of what their favorites are. The members are kind, compassionate, supportive, and encouraging no matter where you are on your health journey. It is a safe and welcoming place to come home to. Kim and Kalee are the reason for that!! – Deanna Konzman

Kim and Kalee have been an amazing blessing in my life. Prior to meeting them, I was struggling with which workout programs and supplements would help me reach my fitness goals. Since working with them I have gained a better understanding of nutrition and have been able to maintain my weight loss for years. Their challenge groups help keep me accountable which has typically been my biggest struggle! – Beth Anne

If you’re still on the fence, check out our article that answers the question, “Is Beachbody a pyramid scheme?

Other resources you may like:

Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located in the Coach Online Office for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes. The Statement of Independent Coach Earnings can be found here.

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