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T25 vs 80 Day Obsession

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We’re comparing T25 vs 80 Day Obsession to help you find the right program for your goals. We’ve seen people have amazing results from both programs so it’s a matter of which workout and meal plan works best for you!

T25 vs 80 day obsession

At a Glance

80 Day Obsession
Workout Length 25 Minutes 45-60 Minutes
Exercise Level Intermediate Advanced
Modifier Yes Yes
Length of Program 10 Weeks 13 Weeks
Meal Plan Count Calories Timed Nutrition
# of Unique Workouts 13 80
Workouts per Week 5 6
Trainer Shaun T Autumn Calabrese

The programs have a few similarities that we’ll look at first.

T25 and 80 Day Obsession Both:

  • Use interval training to help you see results
  • Includes different phases to break plateaus
  • Require you to follow the meal plan for max results
  • Produce amazing before and after photos
  • Both programs mix strength and cardio
  • Are available on Beachbody on Demand

We also need to look at how the 2 programs vary.

T25 vs 80 Day Obsession

  • T25 is 10 weeks versus 80 Day Obsession at 13 weeks
  • The meal plan with T25 is less involved than Timed Nutrition
  • Timed Nutrition is more structured though if you need a plan
  • T25 is just 25 minutes a day
  • While both use strength and cardio, 80 Day Obsession is probably more strength
  • 80 Day Obsession uses bands and slides which can be tricky at first
  • Shaun T and Autumn both have a unique way of teaching. You may find one more motivating.

T25 vs 80 Day Obsession Results

Both programs have had really great results. We only have T25 Results after 1 Month shown so keep that in mind as well.

T25 Results 4 weeks In

Emma - T25 Reviews of Following T25 Workout and T25 Calendar

Anna T25 before and after

See more T25 Results Here

The 80 Day Obsession results are after 1 round (or 13 weeks).

80 Day Obsession Before and After Results

80 Day Obsession Before and After

See more 80 Day Obsession Results

T25 vs 80 Day Obsession – How to Choose?

We also compared 21 Day Fix vs 80 Day Obsession. Just like that comparison, the answer comes down to deciding how much time you have to workout per day and what kind of meal plan you’re wanting.

If you’re a beginner to intermediate exerciser leaning towards 80 Day Obsession — we recommend trying the 7-Day A Little Obsessed program first to see if you’re ready for 80 days with Autumn’s advanced workouts.  A Little Obsessed will test your fitness level. If it’s too challenging, try the 21 Day Fix or T25.

Are you an advanced exerciser leaning towards T25? You should try it. If it’s too easy, you may like Insanity Max 30 or Liift 4. Both are 30 minutes workouts set at an advanced level.

Still not sure? Check out our full guides to both programs!

T25 Complete Review

80 Day Obsession’s Review and Guide

Beachbody 21 day fix coach

My mom and I are full-time Beachbody coaches, and we take our jobs seriously.

We’d love to help you choose the best program for your lifestyle and goals! We offer a 21 Day Challenge to help you see max results in the first month.

After month 1, you’re enrolled in our year-round accountability group!

If you have a question on the programs or would like to work with us, contact us through this form.

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