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21 Day Fix vs 80 Day Obsession

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Fitness competitor and celebrity trainer, Autumn Calabrese, has a workout for every fitness level. We’ll compare her 21 Day Fix vs 80 Day Obsession in this post – looking at the workouts, meal plan, and results.

21 day fix vs 80 day obsession

21 Day Fix vs 80 Day Obsession

At a Glance:

  21 Day Fix
80 Day Obsession
Workout Length 30 Minutes 45-60 Minutes
Exercise Level Beginner Advanced
Modifier Yes Yes
Length of Program 3 Weeks 13 Weeks
Meal Plan Containers + Treats Timed Nutrition
# of Unique Workouts 8 80
Workouts per Week 7 6

When we look at 21 Day Fix vs 80 Day Obsession, there are several similarities.

The two programs:

Don’t get us wrong — both programs are very different from one another though.

21 Day Fix vs 80 Day Obsession Differences

  • The 21 Day Fix is 3 weeks vs 13
  • You’re allowed 3 treats a week on 21 Day Fix
  • The 21 Day Fix Food List is bigger
  • 80 Day Obsession uses Timed Nutrition
  • You only get treats on Refeed Days with 80 Day.
  • Most 80 Day Obsession workouts are 2x as long

21 Day Fix vs 80 Day Obsession Results

Both programs get results. There is no arguing there.

21 day fix before and after photo
This is a client’s before and after shot from 1 round of the 21 Day Fix!

See more 21 Day Fix Results

80 Day Obsession Womens Results
This is after 1 round of 80 Day Obsession!

See More 80 Day Obsession Results

When it comes to results, 21 Day Fix vs 80 Day Obsession — it really comes down to what you’re looking for!

How to Choose: 21 Day Fix or 80 Day Obsession??

If you’re new to working out or just trying to get back into the routine, we suggest the 21 Day Fix.

Learn more about the 21 Day Fix

80 Day Obsession would be great if you’ve been working out a while and have an hour to commit per day.

Learn More about 80 Day Obsession

After 21 Day Fix sold more than any other Beachbody workout, Autumn came out with 21 Day Fix Extreme. We also wanted to compare it to 80 Day Obsession.

Ultimate Portion Fix with Autumn Calabrese

You may also like Autumn’s Ultimate Portion Fix Guide!

This video-based program talks about carb cycling, making the containers work for your family and timed nutrition. 

You can use this plan for 21 Day Fix, Extreme or 80 Day Obsession!

21 Day Fix Extreme vs 80 Day Obsession

In a past post, we reviewed the original 21 Day Fix to 21 Day Fix Extreme — and the original won by a landslide.

The 21 Day Fix Extreme’s moves are a bit complicated even for a seasoned exerciser.

The Countdown to Competition meal plan is hard to follow, and we preferred 80 Day Obsession’s Deplete Days with Peak Week better.

For that reason we’d suggest either the 21 Day Fix or 80 Day Obsession over Extreme.

If you’re looking for something in between those programs, The Chisel Calendar for Hammer & Chisel would be the best middle-of-the-road option.

Beachbody 21 day fix coach

Finding a Beachbody Coach Can Help

As Beachbody Coaches we help people just like you find the best workout program for their goals, lifestyle and workout preferences. We also can help answer questions and offer support year-round through a private tracker or Facebook accountability group.

We also have a 21 Day Challenge to help kickstart your results!

We’d love to work with you — so if you don’t have an active coach you’re working with, please reach out to us using this form.

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