Home / Nutrition / How to do a 3-Day Shakeology Cleanse [Easy Instructions]

How to do a 3-Day Shakeology Cleanse [Easy Instructions]

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The 3 day Shakeology cleanse is meant to jump start you in your fitness, break a plateau, or shed pounds fast!

This nutrient-dense cleanse won’t have you running to the bathroom either!

3 Packets of Shakeology and a insulated cup with the words "How to do a 3 Day Shakeology Cleanse"

What is Shakeology?

Shakeology is a nutrient-dense shake packed with protein, vitamins, minerals to help you stay full and reduce cravings. It also has antioxidants, phytonutrients, and adaptogen herbs in it to detoxify the body. 

We also love that it has prebiotics, probiotics, fiber, and digestive enzymes to help with digestion and overall gut health.

We started drinking Shakeology back in 2011, and we’ve been drinking it ever since. We also did a Shakeology review to help you decide if it’s a good fit for you!

If you don’t have Shakeology already, you can order it here.

vanilla shakeology recipes with banana

What is the 3 Day Shakeology Cleanse?

The 3 Day Shakeology cleanse is based around getting the most nutrient-dense foods in to help rid your body of toxins, stabilize your hydration levels, and basically just reset the body.  This can help you look and feel your best!

On the cleanse, you’ll be eating 4 times a day and enjoying a dinner! I never felt hungry or deprived on the plan, and it’s so short-term that I feel like it’s realistic for most people.

The plan is around 800-1,100 calories per day, so it’s lower than what you normally eat. For this reason, you may want to focus on a lighter-intensity workout. If you have Beachbody on Demand, you may consider a few classes from the 3 Week Yoga Retreat or the 3 Day Refresh yoga series.

Shakeology Cleanse Benefits

Some of the potential benefits* of doing a Shakeology Cleanse are:

  • weight loss 
  • detoxification
  • resetting your habits
  • maximizing your results
  • allowing your body to recover from less-than-awesome food choices

You may also like our Vegan Shakeology Review!

Shakeology Cleanse Results

When we did the cleanse, we lost 3 and 6 pounds (there are 2 of us). Not bad, right?!

Our clients saw weight loss up to 8 pounds in 3 days as well!

(Legal stuff–Beachbody does not make any medical claims that Shakeology will cure or prevent medical conditions.  These are just our thoughts & success stories.)

Collage of a smoothie and salad with the words "How to Do a Shakeology Cleanse"

How to do a 3 Day Shakeology Cleanse

So now, you’re ready to do this, right!?

Before you start – we recommend fully committing at least 3 days before. During these 3 days of prep, we recommend limiting your desserts, alcohol, and heavily processed meals. 

It’s also a good idea to up your water intake, buy your food for the cleanse, and rid the house of anything that may tempt you over the next few days!

Shakeology Cleanse Grocery List

Your Shakeology Cleanse Grocery List:

  • Water (Filtered or Alkaline water) 
  • Shakeology (duh!)
  • Green tea
  • Dark leafy greens for salad
  • Fresh veggies for a salad
  • Oil and vinegar or balsamic dressing
  • Lean protein for salad (fish, chicken breast, turkey, or tofu) 
  • Low-glycemic fruits (berries are great!)

Foods to Avoid:

  • Dairy
  • Starches (rice, corn, potatoes, etc)
  • Processed foods (think boxed or canned foods)
  • Basically anything except for the grocery list of items above

What You'll Eat on a Shakeology Cleanse - Shake, Green Tea, 1 or 2 pieces of fruit, and a salad for dinner


  • 3 Shakeology Shakes a day
  • 2 Cups of Green Tea a day
  • 1 or 2 pieces of fruit a day (optional for those needing additional calories)
  • 1 salad for dinner (only with white grilled protein in salad)

(We also drink lemon ginger cayenne water during the cleanse, but it’s optional!)

3 Day Shakeology Cleanse Infographic


Upon Waking: 1 cup of green team

Breakfast: Shakeology with water, ice, optional: ½ cup of fruit

Snack: 1 piece of fruit

Lunch: Shakeology with water + ice only; follow up with 1 cup of green tea

Snack: Shakeology can be had here or after dinner

Dinner: Salad

  • 3 Cups of leafy greens and vegetables
  • 4 oz of lean protein
  • 2 Tablespoons of non-dairy dressing

You’ll also want to drink plenty of water. We aimed for 64-128 oz a day. 

How often should you do a 3 Day Shakeology cleanse?

Like any type of cleanse, you don’t want to do it too often. We like to do a 3 Day Shakeology Cleanse every 3 to 4 months.

What is the difference between the Shakeology Cleanse and 3-Day Refresh?

This Shakeology Cleanse is not endorsed by Beachbody; they came out with the 3 Day Refresh instead.

With the 3 Day Refresh, you get Shakeology and Fiber Sweep drink to help with digestion and detoxification, and a vanilla shake to help with energy.

Out of the two – which one is the best?

We’ve personally had good and rough experiences with both. (Rough just meaning, a cleanse is rough mentally!) Our clients also seem to be 50/50 on which cleanse they like the most.

The price of both 3 day cleanses ends up being about the same price as well.

You can read our 3 Day Refresh review here or order it off of Beachbody.


What should you do after the cleanse?

We recommend getting back into your regular, healthy eating habits. We have a sample 21 Day Fix meal plan you may like or a guide on how to meal prep for weight loss that can help!

You can also start working out again like normal. We have a free 7 day workout plan or 14 days free with Beachbody on Demand if you need a new plan.

Kim and Kalee Sorey Beachbody Coach

Need additional help?

We’ve been Beachbody Coaches since 2011, and we’ve helped 1000s of people feel and look their best!

That isn’t something we take lightly either!! We absolutely love what we do, and we’d love to help you get started or go to that next level in your fitness journey!

You can contact us at thegirls@soreyfitness.com or check out our 21 Day Challenge to get started!

If you need Shakeology, we recommend the Beachbody on Demand Challenge Pack! 

It includes all of the Shakeology you’ll need for this cleanse and a couple weeks after, and Beachbody on Demand allows you to stream 100s of workouts for a year!

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult with your doctor before starting something new.

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  1. Thank you! for posting this Shakeology 3 day cleanse plan! I was just thinking about a 3-day refresh but wanted to start it right away, not after 2 weeks waiting for the kit to be shipped. Also this looks lots easier – no cooking! I have lots of Shakeology. Started this morning.