Home / Nutrition / Best 21 Day Fix Recipes: Easy Meal Ideas With Containers

Best 21 Day Fix Recipes: Easy Meal Ideas With Containers

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The 21 Day Fix workouts are super effective, but your results also come from the portion control meal plan.  These 21 Day Fix Recipes make meal planning quick & simple! Get easy breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas with portion control container counts.

The best part? All of the meal ideas are picky eater and kid-friendly! So your whole family can enjoy meals together while you work on your goals.

*This post was updated May, 3, 2023 to include new recipes and resources.

21 Day Fix Recipe Collage of tacos, chicken wrap, cauliflower rice and egg cups

Below we outline how many color coded portion control containers are in each serving size of each breakfast, lunch and dinner recipe.

We’ve also linked to our favorite Shakeology and snack recipes to help you see max weight loss from this exercise program.

Whether you’re using the ultimate portion fix containers or just getting into healthy eating, you’re bound to find something you’d like!  With that said, we focused on 21 Day Fix recipes with container counts that work well for the original 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Extreme80 Day Obsession and other Beachbody programs.

Looking for a full 21 Day Fix Meal Plan? Click Here!

bacon egg cups keto

21 Day Fix Breakfast Recipes

Above: Bacon Egg Cups (1 Red, 1 Green)

Overnight Oats (Varies by Recipe)

2-Ingredient Banana Pancakes (1 Purple, 1/2 Red)

Buttermilk Pancakes (1 Yellow for 2 small pancakes)

Lemon Blueberry Muffins (3 Muffins =  1 yellow, 1 purple, 1/2 red)

No Bake Oatmeal Bars (½ Yellow, ½ Red, 1 tsp.)

Lemon Ricotta Pancakes ( 1 1/4 yellow, 1/2 red)

Homemade Energy Bars (1 Blue, 1 Purple)

French Toast (1 yellow, 1/2 red, 1 Purple, 2 tsp)

Iced Cinnamon Almond Milk Macchiato (1 red and 1 tsp)

Vanilla Shakeology Protein Balls (No Bake Recipe!) (1/2 red, 1/2 yellow, and 1/2 a blue)

21 Day Fix Meal Ideas

Apple Crisp with 2 Eggs

It counts as 1 Purple, 1 Yellow, and 1 Red.

To make an Apple Crisp, you’ll cook 1/4 cup oats and top with 1 small apple (chopped). Then, add in 2 scrambled eggs and top with cinnamon.

21 Day Fix Menu Breakfast

Power Oats

Power Oats are another one of our favorite 21 Day Fix breakfast recipes!

They’re 1 Yellow and 1 Red.

To make Power Oats, you’ll blend 1/4 cup cooked oatmeal with 1 egg and 2 egg whites. You also can add fruit on top as a purple container.

Want more recipes? Grab our favorites healthy breakfasts! These recipes are all healthy, but they’re not broken down by container.

21 day fix recipes

21 Day Fix Lunch Recipes

Below are our favorite lunch ideas with container counts.

These chicken roll ups are one of our favorite 21 day fix recipes

Above: Spinach  and Colby Jack Stuffed Chicken Roll Ups (1 1/2 red, 1/4 green, 1/2 blue)

Mini Zucchini Pizzas (1 Green, 1/2 Blue)

Egg Roll in a Bowl (1 Red, 1 Green)

Guacamole Turkey Burgers (1 Red, 1 Blue, 1 tsp)

Green Machine Smoothie

One of our clients, Brenda, actually started getting me hooked on the Green Machine during our February group!

The smoothie tastes like strawberries and banana because they are stronger flavors. You seriously cannot taste the spinach, and it gets in one of those veggies each day.

21 Day Fix Green Machine Smoothie 

This counts as 1 Red, 1 Purple, and 1 Green.

  • 1 Scoop Strawberry Shakeology
  • 1/2 a Banana
  • 1 Green Container of Spinach/Celery
  • 1 tsp coconut oil (1 tsp) optional
  • 12 ounces Water
  • Ice to taste

21 Day Fix Lunch Recipes include Avocado Chicken Salad

One of our favorite 21 Day Fix lunches is Paleo Avocado Chicken Salad, but there are lots of options to pick from below!

Paleo Avocado Chicken Salad

It’s 1 Red, 1 Blue, and 1/2 Purple. Grab the recipe here!

fresh salad with chicken

Speaking of salads, this fresh salad with grilled chicken is our go-to 21 Day Fix lunch recipe!

Chicken Salad

This salad counts as a 1 Green, 1 Red, 1 Orange.

  • Chicken (about 1/2 a breast) in 1 Red container
  • Lettuce, cucumber, and cherry tomatoes in 1 Green Container
  • One Orange container of balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil

It’s not my most creative use of the containers, but it sure is good!

Want more lunch recipes? Get our favorite lunches here!

21 Day Fix Crockpot Turkey Chili Recipe in a bowl

21 Day Fix Dinner Recipes

We’re obsessed with this easy 21 Day Fix turkey chili crock pot recipe!

On the Ultimate Portion Fix, it’s 1 green, 1/2 red, and 1/2 yellow, and it’s also low carb!

We also have a full list of just easy 21 Day Fix Dinner ideas with container counts you may like.

cauliflower chicken fried rice recipe

More 21 Day Fix Dinner Recipes

Above: Cauliflower Fried Rice (1 Red, 1 Green)

Turkey Meatballs – 1/2 Green, 1 Red, 1/2 yellow

Cauliflower Cheeseburger Mac ( 1 Red, 1 Green, 1 Blue, 1 tsp per serving)

One Pan Chicken, Green Beans, and Potatoes (1 Red, 1 Green, 1 Yellow)

prepared healthy street tacos with chicken

Easy Soft Chicken Tacos (1 Yellow, 1/2 Red, 1/2 Green)

21 Day Fix Crock Pot Chili Chicken – 2 Green 1 Red (Plus Toppings)

Broccoli Cheese Soup (2 1/2 Green, 1 Blue, 1/2 tsp)

Italian Bean Burgers (3 Yellow, 1 tsp)

Spicy Vegetable Soup – (1 Red, 1 Green)

mississippi pot roast in a bowl with stew vegetables

Crockpot Mississippi Roast (1 Yellow, 1 Red)

Buffalo Chicken Chili (1 Red, 1 Green, 1/2 Blue)

Lemon Garlic Chicken Pasta (1 Yellow, 1/2 Red, 1G 1B – if using cheese)

Spaghetti Squash Lasagna – (1 1/2 Red, 1/2 Blue, 1 1/4 Green)

stuffed avocado tacos

Even More 21 Day Fix Dinner Recipes

Above:: BLT Chicken Salad Stuffed Avocados – (1 Red, 1 Blue, 1/3 Green)

Pad Thai Noodles – (1 Red, 1 1/4 Green 1 Orange, 2 Tsp)

Steak Fajita Bowls – (1 Red 1 Green)

21 Day Fix dinner Tacos

Healthy Tacos 

We have these tacos almost every week! They count as 1 red, 1 orange, and 1 green.

  • 1 Red Container of browned turkey, chicken or beef (based on your preferences)
  • 1 Green Container with a mix of lettuce, tomatoes, and onions
  • Yellow 1 Corn Tortilla
  • 1 Blue Container shredded cheese

We love these stuffed buffalo chicken potato! It's also an approved 21 Day Fix Dinner Recipe!

Another quick and easy 21 Day Fix Dinner Recipe is this Buffalo Stuffed Potato!

Buffalo Stuffed Potato

It counts as 1 yellow and 1 red.

  • Approximately 1/2 Chicken Breast Baked
  • 1/2 baked white potato (1 Yellow)
  • Top with hot sauce and a little greek yogurt with the room left over in your red container

This is a quick lunch or dinner for anyone. Even Jake, my husband, loves it! Pair it with a salad to get in your green containers.

We also have 21 Day Fix Crockpot recipes that you might like!

chicken breast and fresh vegetables

Create Your Own 21 day Fix Dinner

If you’re in a hurry and don’t have time to make a recipe, no worries! We love to have the following whole foods on hand to create a quick meal that fits in with the color-coded containers!

  • Rotisserie chicken (Red)
  • Skinless chicken breasts (Red)
  • Ground turkey (Red)
  • Learn ground beef (Red)
  • Black beans (Yellow)
  • Sweet potatoes (Yellow)
  • Brown rice (Yellow)
  • Fresh, seasonal fruits (Purple)
  • Fresh, seasonal veggies (Green)
  • Nuts (Blue)

All of these items are easy to find at most local grocery stores, and you can create quick, delicious meals with just a few minutes of prep work.

Want more recipes? Grab our favorites healthy dinners! These recipes are all healthy, but they’re not broken down by container.

21 Day Fix Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

21 Day Fix Dessert Recipes

Above: Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies (1 Yellow, 1 tsp)

Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies (1 Yellow)

Shakeology Mug Cake  (1.5 Red)

Autumn Calabrese Shakeology

What does Shakeology count as on 21 day fix?

Shakeology counts as 1 red container on the meal plan. You don’t have to use Shakeology for the workout progam or Portion Fix though.

With that said, we do have several delicious 21 Day Fix Shakeology recipes you may like.

21 day fix snacks with container counts

Snacks are a huge part to the 21 Day Fix, too! We outlined some of our favorite 21 Day Fix Snacks to keep you feeling full and satisfied! 

These ideas can help you mix things up and avoid just snacking on hard boiled eggs or using peanut butter as your heavy fat.

Get All of Our Favorite 21 Day Fix Snack Ideas

80 day obsession meal prep tips

Ways to Pack Your Meals Easily

We know part of the 21 Day Fix is planning ahead and having your meals on-the-go. 

We love these larger containers to pack and carry our meals!

You can also get all of our meal prep containers and hacks here!

Kim and Kalee with Autumn Calabrese from the 21 Day Fix

Did you know? This post is just a piece of our 21 Day Fix Guide which includes printable calendars, before and after shots, and more!

Additional 21 Day Fix Meal Plan Resources

Want more recipes? Get Autumn Calabreses’ Fixate Cookbook

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  1. Oh, the Pad Thai one looks YUMMY :) I just had Thai food for the first time ever yesterday so this will be perfect to try and replicate it! Minus the spice of course for me though :)

  2. Sorry for asking, but when I bought the 21 day fix, I was under the impression ( vocalized over and over on TV) that you fill the containers. I see there is guess work here on this program, too. :( Please tell me we are not left to guesswork, because I want to be successful…this is not my first rodeo ;-)

    1. Hey April!

      There isn’t a whole lot of guesswork in the program – the choices are just meant to give you a little flexibility. For example, I can’t stand fish so I could never fill my red container up with salmon or something lol. Does that make sense? Do you have a coach you are working with already? He or she may be able to help you with the meal planning. If not, just let me know and I’d be happy to share a meal plan I used :)

        1. Hey Peggy! I’d be happy to send it to you! Are you currently working with a Beachbody coach?

        2. Just got the package i the mail and prepped last night most things, not all.
          I do not have a coach

      1. Hi Peggy!
        I was just started 21 day fix and searching for recipes I came across your posts. I am having trouble with the meal planning (what to make). would it be possible foryou to send me the meal plan you spoke of.

        Thanks so much!

      2. I do not like any kind of fish either. Could you please share your meal plan with me? I am starting the plan next week and I am planning this week and looking up recipes. I was intrigued when I saw that you do not like fish too and I am interested in what you chose as meals. Thanks

  3. I just ordered the 21 day fix and very anxious to get started. I’m reading the materials but still a little confusted as far as the meal portions. Therefore, my question is, should all containers be filled and consumed during each meal? Or, basically, just select the containter preference? for instance if I only wanted a protein and a salad I would only fill the red and green containers?

    1. You just pick your container preference for each meal :) You just want to hit your totals for each container by the end of the day. Does that help?

  4. I want to get started on this program but I have no idea how to plan the meals I have had this program over a week it looked so easy on tv but when i got it home where do I start I have read the book do i have to eat salad all the time. I drink soy milk and i eat muesli for breakfast or kashi bars I need some direction

  5. I need assistance with meal plan ideas. The first plan my husband created I think has too many calories. I really want to be successful as this program seems easy.

      1. I would also like to request a meal plan too! Made it through the first week successfully but having a hard time with the second week! I also do not eat fish! Thank you!

  6. Correct me if I’m wrong because I haven’t yet started but am looking for good recipes but your taco salad the cheese should be a blue not a orange? Or am I wrong?

  7. i have a question today was my first day I got all my containers marked but my carbs I am having a hard time figure carbs out I get what it is in the book but what are other things and can you eat too of the same containers in one meal ???

      1. I would like help also with meal planning. I don’t eat fish at all and am not really crazy about chicken lol

  8. I just received everything in the mail and I am also having a difficult time trying to come up with ideas for meals. This is especially difficult for dinners since I have a family of 4 and I dont want to have to make something completely separate for myself. I’m good with salad’s with protein for lunch at work, just need help with dinners.

  9. great site! I can’t wait to try some of the foods you have suggested here. Day 1 under my belt! I’m on the lowest amount of containers category so finding it hard to figure out what to eat and when. Would love to see your meal plan to give me more ideas :)

  10. HI I was wondering about your turkey meat balls. about how many meatballs would count as a red container? and do the meatballs themselves count for a green? or are you referring to the veggies shown in the picture counting as the green? I know there are tomatoes, garlic and onion in the recipe but it doesn’t seem enough to fill an entire container per serving. Make sense? any advice would be great, I’m helping my family come up with a variety of recipes!

  11. I just received my plan and am having a hard time figuring out how to balance the food throughout the day. It is especially hard because my husband and I are doing it together and he is allowed the max and I am on the lowest. I need help with a meal plan. What can I make for lunch besides salad with protein? It is especially hard when you go out to dinner to figure out what to eat without the containers. So far I a, doing good but it has only been two days. Where can I get some meal ideas besides the one in the book it came with. Your help it appreciated.

  12. Just getting started and would really love some ideas as to what to make. I don’t want to get lost the first time out of the starting gate!

  13. One meal I like is a small tortilla wrap, I put one red of grilled chicken in it, half a blue of goat cheese and half a blue of avocado, and 1/2 purple of fresh pico de gallo… I also put spicy mustard on it which is 0 calories. It comes out pretty big and filling!

  14. I would also love the meal plan you created for this program. I really need help with the nutrition portion of this program. Thank you!

    1. Hi Tanya!!
      Yes, there is a vegetarian food list. It’s actually even vegan-friendly, and you would follow the rest of the nutrition guide to create your meal plan. The nutrition guide included tells you how many of each color container to eat per day. It varies by your weight and goal. It includes a formula to figure it out though, and it’s super simple. Does that help?

    1. She really wants you to follow the program exactly as it is.

      However, I would say it’s better to swap fruit for more vegetables than it would be to leave our vegetables and eat more fruit. So if you’re going to change the plan, I think your swap would be the better choice of the two.

  15. I was trying to follow the link for the lemon blueberry muffins, but it takes me to a keto cinnamon roll. Which looks good by the way. Do you still have the muffin recipe on this site?